Journal Comments - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 19)

From Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples by Jeanna & Kerry Smith

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Jeanna & Kerry Smith replied to a comment by Rose Samson on a photo in Day 029 - Strasburg to Columbia

Our society is moving more and more towards solitary activities. We miss a lot when we do so many things alone.

1 year ago
Rose Samson commented on a photo in Day 029 - Strasburg to Columbia

I grew up in an island & we don't have the modern facilities to wash our clothes. This falls above we have one similar to it & this is where we wash our dirty clothes, etc., at the same time laid the washed clothes on top of the stones so we took them home already dry. It was fun because there were many of us by the falls!
Hello America!

1 year ago
Em Holcomb commented on Day 029 - Strasburg to Columbia

It was great to meet you and hear about your trip! Good luck--I'm excited to follow along for the rest of it! -climber Em

1 year ago
Jerry and Gail Cullinan commented on a photo in Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

Awesome! That's what is great about Legos - you can create almost anything.

1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry Smith replied to a comment by Rose Samson on a photo in Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

It was quite a layout. I had no idea Legon made so many elaborate pieces. We thought of the Cullinans when we took those pictures because their grandsons love Legos.

1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry Smith replied to a comment by Kelly Iniguez on Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

We have never stayed in a converted train car. The few I've looked at seemed over priced for what they offered. I think your experience is probably not uncommon. We have stayed in a real train car when we rode the Amtrak Empire Builder from Chicago to Seattle about 15 years. That was a great experience. With the sleeper compartment and dining car, I felt like I was in a 1940's movie!

1 year ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

Have you ever stayed in lodging that was a former train car? We stayed in a caboose in Canada. It was memorable for the wrong reasons! There's also a high dollar place in Montana, close to Glacier National Park - Isaac Walton Inn - that has very deluxe train car lodging. I couldn't talk the guys into staying there. At least my caboose fail was a cheap one - cleanliness was our big complaint. We slept in narrow bunk beds. It was an experience, that's for certain.

1 year ago
Rose Samson commented on a photo in Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

These Lego ferris wheel must be an eye catcher ! I can imagine the smiles just looking at it.

1 year ago
Rose Samson commented on a photo in Day 028 - Elkton, MD to Strasburg, PA

Beautiful display of the Lego! My children love playing with them during their younger days. Now my 4 1/2 yrs.old granddaughter likes the Legos.


1 year ago
Keith A. Spangler commented on Day 027 - Smyrna, DE to Elkton, MD

You guys are so inspirational!

1 year ago
Keith A. Spangler commented on a photo in Day 027 - Smyrna, DE to Elkton, MD

Guys, this is the town that has had extreme flooding events. The last one was only a couple years ago, the flood ripped through downtown sweeping cars away. It really impacted the city businesses too; can't remember how many died. It was crazy to see.

1 year ago
Keith A. Spangler commented on a photo in Day 027 - Smyrna, DE to Elkton, MD

Excellent image!

1 year ago
Keith A. Spangler commented on a map in Day 027 - Smyrna, DE to Elkton, MD

Hi Kerry and Jeanna! You guys are moving right along! Love this profile especially that spike in the middle. Continued safe travels, I'm just sitting outside under the stars and next to the fire pit.

1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry Smith replied to a comment by Curt & Helene Reed on Day 022 - Virginia Beach to Exmore

So far, we're both enjoying this system. Kerry is having fun riding unloaded and I am finding pleasant places to walk to get my 10,000 steps a day. We meet for lunch every day and sometimes at other stops along the way. Life is good!

1 year ago
Curt & Helene Reed commented on Day 022 - Virginia Beach to Exmore

sounds like your living a dream

1 year ago