Journal Comments - The Great Unwind - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From The Great Unwind by Jeff Arnim & Kristen Arnim

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Bruce Lellman commented on a photo in A Strange Little Plasticky Smear on the Canvas of Time

You need to go back to see if Cookie House is still there but also to cross out on your note and write in the updated and correct website.

7 months ago
Jeff Arnim replied to a comment by Danaë Sowders on Seven Pounds, Three Ounces

A belated thank you for the kind words. This is indeed the adventure of our lives. It's an incredible amount of working, but it's also incredibly rewarding, and we can't wait to see what the road ahead holds for the three of us.

All the best to you and yours.

6 years ago
Danaë Sowders commented on Seven Pounds, Three Ounces

I'm so excited for you guys! I was sad y'all disappeared off CGOAB but I knew you had to be up to some kind of adventure. Little did I know the scope of the adventure you were on.

Congratulations, Jeff and Kristen. You guys are going to kick ass at parenting. :D

6 years ago
Paul Mulvey commented on Seven Pounds, Three Ounces

As a father to two girls (who are both in University right now) you are about to embark on your greatest tour. May it be filled with all of the joys and wonder and adventure of parenthood.

6 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on Seven Pounds, Three Ounces

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

6 years ago
Bennie D. Barfield commented on Seven Pounds, Three Ounces

CONGRATULATIONS :: I've got to get in touch with Bernice and Mike Miller, you know, the couple you met here in Reidsville, Ga. a couple of years ago!!

6 years ago
Jeff Lee commented on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

I realize this was not the most memorable thing that happened that day on your trip, but: Was that a Snappy Tomato Pizza place in Springfield?

It's a small Kentucky-based chain that started not too far from where I'm from.

Now that I'm moving back to KY, maybe there will be one nearby!

6 years ago
Tom Iarossi commented on We Weren't Supposed to Have Been Here

Jeff and Kristen, I'm glad I was able to find your journals again. CGOAB has taken on a weird, uncomfortable tone that leaves me unsettled about using it for my own musings.

In any case, congratulations on your family addition and the direction your lives have taken. Your writing is stellar, and when combined with your excellent photography it brings our shared love of bike touring to life.

I hope to be reading more of your adventures in the future.

6 years ago
Jeff Arnim replied to a comment by Bennie D. Barfield on Time Marches On

Hey Ben,

It's great to hear from you. Thanks for following my travels for all of these years and for all of the kind words of support along the way. It's been quite the ride!

6 years ago
Bennie D. Barfield commented on Time Marches On

Hey Jeff,, 6 years ago when you were on that trip was the first time that I met you.. I've enjoyed the comments ever since..

6 years ago
Bennie D. Barfield commented on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

Jeff, you still got the knack for tale telling!!
Reidsville, Ga.

6 years ago
Jeff Arnim replied to a comment by Mike Ayling on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

Don't worry, I've already started planning our first trip!

7 years ago
Mike Ayling commented on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

Great news!

None of our three children were "planned".

Now you should start looking at trailers, Wee Hoos, Tag Alongs etc

Mike and Mary

7 years ago
Jeff Arnim replied to a comment by Paul Mulvey on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

Thanks for the kind message Paul. One of the more disappointing things we've heard on the road over the last few years are the comments like, "Better get all that traveling in while you're young. Once you have kids, it's all over." We're lucky to have an even greater number of voices like yours reminding us that living a less adventurous life when you have children is just a choice, not a requirement. As long as our little one is healthy, we already have a long list of interesting places we want to go, either by bike or on foot our in our camper van.

One of the only pieces of parenting advice I've taken the effort to remember is the idea that if you want your kids to live a passionate, interesting life, they need to see their parents doing the same. We aim to do that the best we can.

Great to hear from you.

7 years ago
Jeff Arnim replied to a comment by Sheryl Lang on The Most Incredible, Indelible, Important Era of Our Lives

Thanks so much Sherry. The worst part now is the waiting game; we want so very much for our little one to come out into the world but there's nothing we can do to make that happen. As long as everything goes well, we hope to do some non-bicycle travel this spring, and then get back to riding bicycles as a family some time the year after.

All the best to you and yours.

7 years ago