Journal Comments - Me & The U.P. - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 6)

From Me & The U.P. by Gregory Garceau

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Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Yes, I use a spoon. I'm not totally uncivilized!

8 months ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in Let It Be Known That I Take Requests

True. I've always noticed the grandiosity of midwestern courthouses too. In most cases, I'm proud of them for their maintenance efforts.

8 months ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Keith Klein on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

I bet you went into the woods and collected blueberries with an empty coffee can, as I did. I could easily eat a coffee can full of blueberries in a day. I'm sure you know what color your stool is the next day.

8 months ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Interesting. Unlike a lot of my silly wildlife identifications, I really did think that was a chipmunk

8 months ago
Suzanne Gibson commented on a photo in The U.P. is Like British Columbia

I have a hard time asking people if I can take their picture, too. There are almost none in my journals.

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a map in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Oh, the Neligan Rd looks inviting. Think I might have had to route down the Nestoria-Herman Road - it looks interesting. Also looks like lots of short sharp hills and a whole lot of view-blockers though.

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

I like the chapters - it's sort of like bible verses for the Church of the Great Outdoors. It's certainly a beautiful place with lots of nice views and view-blockers, thanks for the tour.

I think 47 degrees is just about the perfect overnight low for camping if it's not raining. Cool enough to cuddle down in the bag and sleep well, but not so cold through the night it wakes you up.

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

That is a nice campsite, and yes that is an exceptionally ugly fire pit. How do you get anything to burn in there without any holes at the bottom for oxygen to get in? 'Cause I'm thinking you would want the smoke from a fire to keep the mozzies away!

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

You've had some nice shield pics already in your journal, but road cuts are always good geology porn!

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Please tell me you at least use a spoon? I agree with the no bread thing, though, even in the days of yore when I could eat bread.

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

The guys are keen to float this one :-)

8 months ago
Emily Sharp replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Haha, now I read your next paragraph.... sorry jumped the gun!

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Oh no! Those clouds.... those don't bode well for staying dry in the next 48 hours!

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Twenty-Four Photos--With So Much Nature, I Couldn't Help Myself

Whoa... you weren't kidding about highway noise!

8 months ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Let It Be Known That I Take Requests

I'm sure there would be an interesting conversation to be had with the driver of that vehicle....

8 months ago