Journal Comments - And All the Bear Could See Was the Other Side of the Mountain - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 4)

From And All the Bear Could See Was the Other Side of the Mountain by Ben Parke

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Ben Parke replied to a comment by Frans Van der Linden on Day 4 - Telfs to Pfunds

The Urban is doing really well. The extra ground clearance has been helpful on some steep transitions and rough trail. The small turning circle has made it possible to make turns i could not make on my tour last year. The Urban is a really good bike for this type of touring. I am very happy with it.

3 months ago
Ben Parke replied to a comment by Rachael Anderson on Day 1 - Aichach to Fürstenfeldbruck

I wish I could say it was the only ride I did in bad weather. So far, it is at least the longest ride in bad weather. The heavy rain lasted about na hour yesterday. More is on the way.

3 months ago
Ben Parke replied to a comment by Keith Adams on a photo in Meet the Mule of Choice for this Adventure

That is a lighting module. It puts the lights up higher closer to driver eye height. In my experience it helps a lot with visibility in traffic.

3 months ago
Ben Parke replied to a comment by Keith Adams on Day 2 - Fürstenfeldbruck to Fleck near Lenggries

Maybe I’ll attempt that today while I’m waiting out the rain.

3 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Day 4 - Telfs to Pfunds

It’s great that the weather turned out better than expected. I definitely agree with you about it not being a suffer fest. Good luck on changing your reservations.

3 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on a photo in Day 4 - Telfs to Pfunds

Great photo of you!

3 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Day 3 - Fleck to Telfs

Great ride and photos! Too bad about the detour and having to walk so far to get dinner. I hope the weather doesn’t end up as bad as is predicted!

3 months ago
Frans Van der Linden commented on Day 4 - Telfs to Pfunds

I have cycled part of your route on a racing bike and trekking bike. Absolutely stunning views. Had the opportunity with and without rain. Sun ist nice, but the clouds complete the impressive views almost more to my liking. So keep up the good spirit!
How is the new bike holding up? How does it compare to the normal Bülk? You already proved the off-road capability :)

3 months ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on Day 4 - Telfs to Pfunds

If you cancel a non refundable reservation you usually end up eating the cost. Occasionally will ask the property if they will waive the penalty, but in our experience the properties usually do not.

3 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Day 3 - Fleck to Telfs

So I See!

3 months ago
Keith Adams commented on Day 2 - Fürstenfeldbruck to Fleck near Lenggries

You can do the map upload with your phone, if you're patient. Rather than opening the RWGPS app, open the website. The Share option there includes the Get Custom Embed feature.

On my phone it's a bit of a hassle to select the embed code then copy it, but it can be done. Don't expect the map, or pretty much anything else, to be actually usable during this process: there just isn't enough screen real estate on a phone for RWGPS to do what it needs to do, but the embed code is accessible.

3 months ago
Keith Adams commented on a photo in Meet the Mule of Choice for this Adventure

What's the little pod on the top? Camera portal?

3 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Day 2 - Fürstenfeldbruck to Fleck near Lenggries

Great sky!

3 months ago
Rachael Anderson commented on Day 1 - Aichach to Fürstenfeldbruck

I’m glad you made it okay! That’s a long ride to do after the flight, especially in bad weather.

3 months ago
Ben Parke replied to a comment by Kelly Iniguez on Day 1 - Aichach to Fürstenfeldbruck

I’m sure there is some sort of market for velomobile rental. At one point there was a dealer in Switzerland offering rentals. The challenges renting would be first the price to acquire a rental fleet for the dealer. Then there is some learning curve for inexperienced riders. They pick up considerable speed very quickly. There is tip potential when cornering, lower ground clearance than most are used to. If riding bike paths you need to know how to prepare for tight corners so you don’t run out of space. But the biggest drawback is that while you can put a well-built bike through the wringer, a full carbon or fiberglass velomobile does require a certain degree of care to avoid cracks and damage to the shell. My guess is that’s the main reason you don’t see rentals. In my case I’ve been fortunate to be able to turn around and sell the velo i ride on my trip, but I’m fortunate to have connections in the right places. And a prominent velomobile YouTube channel.

4 months ago