Journal Comments - 1982: Stories of the Young and Dumb, aka My First Bike Trip - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 4)

From 1982: Stories of the Young and Dumb, aka My First Bike Trip by Mark Bingham

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Mark Bingham replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on collecting lead ingots

Guilty as charged. :-) Of course, I'm sure you read the subtitle for this journal... about young and something? Seriously, I look back on that kid and wonder, "What, seriously? How?"

I also hope that there are people out there reading about it and thinking, "Wow... if that idiot can do it, then so can I."

2 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on hick-a-billies in oklahoma

Exactly! Good memory! LOL!

2 years ago
Gregory Garceau commented on collecting lead ingots

In the title of one of my journals I called myself "America's Most Naive Bike Tourist." I must say, after reading this post about your ride through the rain, it looks like I have some competition.

2 years ago
Gregory Garceau commented on hick-a-billies in oklahoma

Good job on not doing illegal things in the deep south. That was smart. As I recall, you also didn't commit multiple offenses along the Montana-Alberta border. LOL

2 years ago
Mark Bingham replied to a comment by Lorenzo Jarre on bad judgement

Thanks LJ! I'm really glad you're enjoying it!

2 years ago
Lorenzo Jarre commented on bad judgement

I am loving this journal Mark! So funny. I wasn't yet born when you set off, but it's funny how so many things have changed unrecognisably but some things haven't changed at all!
Looking forward to reading the rest of it!

2 years ago
George (Buddy) Hall commented on about this journal

Very enjoyable reading! This reminds me a lot of my early attempts at bike touring in 1975 - 76; absolutely no idea what I was doing, but the energy and wildness of youth made up for that lack. Looking forward to reading the rest of your journal.

2 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on milestones

Thanks! I'm kinda surprised myself! (although, some are better than others)

3 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on rattlesnake roundup

I'd LOVE to see that photo, Greg! I forgot to mention in the post that I had rattlesnake meat as well. Mine tasted like fried batter. There was so little meat and so much batter that it was the only thing I could taste. Still good, though. :-)

3 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in the flatlanders' pinnacle

Awesome, inspiring shot.

3 years ago
Gregory Garceau commented on rattlesnake roundup

I have a photo of myself with Miss Snake Charmer of 1989. My brother and I were on our way to Big Bend National Park when the water pump on his truck went out. We were stranded for a full weekend in Wichita Falls, TX before we could get it fixed. So, for something to do, we rented a car and drove down to the Rattlesnake Roundup. As I recall, my rattlesnake meat really did taste like chicken.

3 years ago
Mark Bingham replied to a comment by Jeff Lee on about this journal

I just looked up that date in my original journal, and it appears that the $9.75 was my portion of the room the three of us shared in Walsenburg.

3 years ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on milestones

Your photos are very good quality for being so old. Amazing!

3 years ago
Jeff Lee commented on prescient knowledge

Don't leave us hanging too long!

3 years ago
Jeff Lee commented on about this journal

I love reading "vintage" touring journals, so I'm really looking forward to this one.

It's interesting that you spent less on a hotel room on May 29 than you did on "blank tapes" on June 1st.

Or was the $9.75 for your portion of the bill of a room you shared with another rider?

3 years ago