Journal Comments - And Then We Pedalled...... Cross Canada 2015 - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From And Then We Pedalled...... Cross Canada 2015 by Lyle McLeod & Kirsten Kaarsoo

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Kelly Iniguez commented on a photo in I Can See For Miles and Miles ....: Day 20 - Drumheller to Cereal Alberta

There have been times when Ive examined roadside cars for sale, debating the ability of my long bike to fit inside!

8 months ago
Mike Ayling commented on Final Reflections: This Is What Will Stay With Us Forever

What a great ride and a well written journal.
It took me about a month to read, three or four pages a day.
The Rohloff is a no brainer for touring and you managed with the flat bars despite some headwinds. I am a fervent flat bar convert.


5 years ago
Lyle McLeod replied to a comment by Jacquie Gaudet on Remember the Days of the Old Schoolyard....: Day 59 - another day off the bike in Prince Edward County

You can be sure that that our parents and older siblings did that too. Pedal Pushers was more about learning g the rules of the road and how to ride safely. Most of this went in one ear and out the other of one particular six year old boy though 🙄

5 years ago
Jacquie Gaudet commented on Remember the Days of the Old Schoolyard....: Day 59 - another day off the bike in Prince Edward County

"My sister and I took Pedal Pushers courses and learned to ride bikes." I find this interesting because I thought kids taking courses was a recent development and that our generation all learned to ride a two-wheeler with a parent holding the saddle and running until we got too fast and they let go.

5 years ago
Lyle McLeod commented on a photo in The Answer is Blowin in the Wind: Day 37 - Cook to Duluth

As a humble Chemical/Petroleum Engineer, I have to confess that I have no idea what the difference us between a Transfer bridge and an Ariel Lift bridge is. Until you posted this comment that detail of the bridge description had totally eclipsed me! I'm (slightly) intrigued to know the difference :)
One way or another, Duluth on a beautiful summer day is a cool place!
Thanks for reading along!

5 years ago
Jacquie Gaudet commented on a photo in The Answer is Blowin in the Wind: Day 37 - Cook to Duluth

Very interesting. I had no idea there were any transfer bridges in North America. According to Wikipedia, there were only two, both in the USA. The other was in Chicago, built for and demolished after the 1933 World's Fair.

As a retired civil/structural engineer, I too am fascinated by cool bridges.

5 years ago
Jacquie Gaudet commented on Riding the Spine: Day 13 - Columbia Ice Fields to Lake Louise

After I finished 9½ weeks, I started reading this on cgoab. Nice to see this morning that it's been transferred.

When I cycled the Icefields Parkway in 2018, I spent quite a while where the North Saskatchewan River disappears. I would never have noticed from a car!

5 years ago
Lyle McLeod replied to a comment by Mike Ayling on a photo in Equipment 1: What we're riding ....

Hi Mike,
I the end I just attached the bar-bag bracket to the main bars. We have a Topeka Ride-Case's that attaches our phones (use these for maps / gps) on the headset cap so we don't need the extra real-estate on the bars. Seems to work ok for the last 4 1/2 years :)

5 years ago
Mike Ayling commented on a photo in Equipment 1: What we're riding ....

You have probably found a solution for the bar bag and Thorn accessory bar by now but on my ThornMercury with Rohloff I fitted the long(110mm) bar at the bottom of the stack on the steerer and it fits between the various cables.


5 years ago