Journal Comments - Spring in Iberia - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 18)

From Spring in Iberia by Suzanne Gibson & Janos Kertesz

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Suzanne Gibson replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on Last Minute

Oh, a good idea... another reason to put off packing.

5 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on Last Minute

Hey, shouldn’t there be a pre departure haiku in here?

5 months ago
Suzanne Gibson commented on Last Minute

Thanks and good luck to all! The trouble with bridging the bad weather with the car is that you always have to return to where you left it which usually means a major change in routes and booking. But you are the logistics wizard! I'll put you on the case.

5 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on Last Minute

Wishing us all luck with the weather! Hopefully it will settle down by the time you arrive. Come ready for anything. Worst comes to worst, you’ll have your car with you.

5 months ago
Suzanne Gibson replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in With Rhyme and Reason

Sent you an email

6 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in With Rhyme and Reason

Hey, I finally stared at this long enough to think about it. Where are you staying after Placencia? By my notes, that’s the last town we’re staying at together.

6 months ago
Jacquie Gaudet commented on With Rhyme and Reason

It looks great! And I'm envious, as everywhere I want to go involves flying. I hate flying!

6 months ago
Susan Carpenter commented on With Rhyme and Reason

It looks like a great tour! I’m excited for you and Janos, and for me in getting to spend some time with the two of you.

6 months ago
Kathleen Jones commented on With Rhyme and Reason

Here’s to a nice warm, tailwindy tour for everyone.

6 months ago
Nancy Graham replied to a comment by Suzanne Gibson on With Rhyme and Reason

I was successful in doing a Haiku a day when we were traveling, and when I was bicycling. Being weathered in, that project will have a hiatus! And like you - I don’t want to totally commit to one-a-day, but will do the best I can. Truly it brings back a thought, memory or vision for me as well as a photo does. May I say — once again I am slightly envious of your tour ;’-).

6 months ago
Suzanne Gibson replied to a comment by Nancy Graham on With Rhyme and Reason

Thank you, Nancy! I must give you credit for the idea to include a haiku. I am considering a haiku a day, but don't want to commit myself and bite off more than I can chew. I will be happy if somehow I manage to keep my journal up to date while on the road.

6 months ago
Nancy Graham commented on With Rhyme and Reason

Oh yes - forgot to say that I love your Haiku. And your rhyme ;’-).

6 months ago
Nancy Graham commented on With Rhyme and Reason

So glad to see another adventure journal by you. It is looking like a very nice journey indeed, and quite a bit of planning has already been done. You have been busy! I will love following along - either as you travel day by day, or afterward when you finish the tour. Best of everything for you and Janos.

6 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on With Rhyme and Reason

This is the first time I’ve seen the big picture. Looks like a wonderful, ambitious loop and the perfect time to be there. Surely we’ll get our health back by then.

6 months ago
Suzanne Gibson commented on With Rhyme and Reason

I sure hope you are better by then, too! But if you have to reschedule your itinerary, we should manage a meet-up somewhere else down the line. The main priority is that you two get you energy back!

6 months ago