Journal Comments - Not My First Frozen Rodeo - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Not My First Frozen Rodeo by Gregory Garceau

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Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in DAY FIVE: Hastings Inn to The Newlywed's New Apartment

Yes, it would be ironically existential.

1 year ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Hi Emily, G-2 here. I responded to your message, but I forgot to hit the "reply to" button. So you'll have to go to the journal to read it. Sorry about that.

1 year ago
Gregory Garceau commented on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Hi Emily, and thanks for your cautionary advice about how the mandane stuff can effect love and marriage. The good news is that Doris and I will never stop cycling. We literally never get off our bikes. Another thing we've got going for us is that cartoon characters never age or get out of shape. And the only way we can have children is if our illustrator draws one for us, which isn't likely considering the lazy bum of a cartoonist we've got.

Sincerely, G-2

1 year ago
Emily Sharp commented on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Hi G-2,
Maybe someday you'll want to tour again with Greg when Doris is off doing her own solo thing every so often.
I hope your thoughts about love continue and carry you through all the mundane times of marriage and kids and careers and all that stuff that you most people sign up for when they get married. We've seen at least a few solo cyclists catch the love bug and give up really impressive, adventurous lives for mundane, domestic lives where your only riding excitement is riding bike paths with little children to school. And then, by the time the nest is empty, you end up too old and unfit to do the daring things you once did. I hope the compromises are worth it for you. And may the road only call softly when you can't get out there due to all the ties of career, kids, wife, etc. All the best to you and Doris, may there be a few more tours before you succumb to the mundane.

1 year ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in DAY FIVE: Hastings Inn to The Newlywed's New Apartment

There would be some irony in death by squishing from a Nietzsche book falling over.

1 year ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in DAY FIVE: Hastings Inn to The Newlywed's New Apartment

Impressive riding when the snow is up to your handlebars!

1 year ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Karen Poret on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Hi Karen, you can email the comic strip picture to me.


1 year ago
Karen Poret replied to a comment by Karen Poret on TWO CONCLUSIONS

This is not for myself..( duh) I am trying to contact Gregory as I have a comic strip photo he would probably like to see! It appears writing a reply on Cycle Blaze is the only “ contact”. CGOAB allows you the option to post a photo. Thank you for any assistance.

1 year ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Lednar De Nalloh on a photo in DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite

If you and Tracy are thinking of repeating your wedding vows, I will incorporate any word you want into the ceremony.

1 year ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Lednar De Nalloh on a photo in DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite

The poor guy is right up there with Wile E. Coyote, Elmer Fudd, and Inspector Clouseau in the category of hapless chasers of lovable cartoon characters.

1 year ago
Lednar De Nalloh commented on a photo in DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite

Sylvester the cat, one of my favs

1 year ago
Lednar De Nalloh commented on a photo in DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite

Never heard the word 'Groovy' in a wedding vow before. I think you would make a great wedding celebrant.

1 year ago
Rich Harrell commented on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Greit Gernoule

Az yu kan see I dondt to well wath trping ag ill - mecer hive unt neker will..

1 year ago
Karen Poret replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on a photo in DAY FIVE: Hastings Inn to The Newlywed's New Apartment

Hope you never have to resort to “Fred Flintstone brakes”, Greg…although it you ride barefooted, you most likely will..ouch

1 year ago
Bill Shaneyfelt replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on TWO CONCLUSIONS

Just tp be up front, not all the typos were intentiional... These were not. But some, yeah, tryin' ta be funny. Thanks for the good times!

As for using typing in my career, in 37 years and 6 days, of civil service, I either had a nice computer to back space out errors or a secretary to do the typing. It came in handy byt was (that but was unintentionally done) not essential. As for history and my Zoology major and Chemistry and Physics, well, they were also marginally helpful. U (I) often told folks "I'm really a Zoologist. I just do this for a liviing." (error not intended) Meanwhile pulling a collapsible fishing rod rigged with a lizard noose from my jacket pocket as I stalked a lizard on a pallet of ammo. As an interesting side note, I knew 5 other "Safety Zoologists" who were not able to find employment in our chosen field of education.

Thanks again for the deaily entertainment (again not intednded typo). Grrrr!

1 year ago