Journal Comments - To Belgium with Kevin - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From To Belgium with Kevin by Chris Pountney

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Karen Poret commented on a photo in By train to Flensburg

Innovative see through mask, Kevin!

5 months ago
Karen Poret commented on a photo in Day 3: To the German border

What kind of noises? ;)

5 months ago
Sue Price commented on Home to Fredericia

Thank you so much for sharing this very special journey with us all! ❤️

2 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Home to Fredericia

What a beautiful image. You three are all so lucky to have each other. Thanks for inviting us along for the ride.

2 years ago
Paul Curtis commented on a photo in Day 14: To Mr Meyer’s campsite

I wonder if adult sheep think human babies are endearing, like we think baby lambs are! I guess not, but perhaps we can’t say for sure!

2 years ago
Kathleen Jones commented on By train to Flensburg

Nope, no other baby would have done as well.

I went back and looked at the photos from when you first took off in August. He’s grown and changed so much. Babies … they do that.

Congrats on completing this marathon.

2 years ago
Rich Frasier commented on By train to Flensburg

I'm applauding from my desk in the south of France. Well done, you two!

2 years ago
Sue Price commented on Day 4: To Anrath

What fun! Bikes and a baby on a bunch of trains - what could go wrong!? Nothing I hope!!!!

2 years ago
Rachael Anderson commented on a photo in Day 4: To Anrath

He’s so cute!

2 years ago
Beth Art commented on Day 4: To Anrath

Your train trip sounds epic. Good luck!

2 years ago
Beth Art commented on a photo in A lovely break in Liskeard

And a new dimension to intrepid travel. You to are determined. I'm sure Kevin thought it was great fun.

2 years ago
Beth Art commented on a photo in To England

Lucky grandparents

2 years ago
Rich Frasier commented on Day 3: To the German border

“we all do crazy things for our kids”. You’ve hit on the essence of being a parent right there. Having kids took me places I never imagined I’d ever go. I envy your journey.

2 years ago
Ludo Verhoeven commented on Cycling Day 1: To Lommel

Dear Dea, Chris and Kevin,

It was a great honor for me and I really enjoyed being your host. It felt so good to have you both and your sweet little Kevin close to me. I'm going to miss you three, that's for sure.

Safe return home, I'm dreaming of a cycling trip to you in Denmark in 2023. Let's hope I can make my dream come true …


2 years ago
Rachael Anderson commented on A lovely break in Liskeard

What an adventure!

2 years ago