Journal Comments - Taiwan - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Taiwan by Graham Smith

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Graham Finch commented on a photo in Taroko

Shame the weather wasn't kind and you didn't spend the day on the bikes here. Another time!

4 years ago
Graham Smith commented on a photo in Taipei Treadling

Jacquie that’s exactly right but it took me a day to work out the connection because I didn’t notice the button console built into the zebra. There’s a lot of quirky public art in Taiwan.

5 years ago
Jacquie Gaudet commented on a photo in Taipei Treadling

A new interpretation of zebra crossing!

5 years ago
Graham Smith replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on The End

Thanks Scott. Yes I feel we sampled what Taiwan offers for cycle tourists but also left plenty to go back for another tour. I was careful not to push Joe too hard on his first tour. He’s keen to do another tour, and he is now talking about doing a ride in Europe with a friend.

Ah yes. The fires. They are still burning but the weather has provided some respite here in the south. Further north, the opposite is happening. Extreme rain. The weather swings are definitely getting wilder.

5 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on The End

Thanks for taking us along with you and your son, Graham. It reminds us that we hope to make it packto this special place again some year. Sorry you didn’t have better luck with weather at Taroko Gorge, but it’s still there waiting for you for next time.

Best of luck with the fire situation. We’ve got you all in our thoughts.

5 years ago
Graham Smith replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on The End

Thanks Greg for the comment. It’s a while since I’ve done a cycle tour journal so it’s been good revision. I hope the pics and writing convey that Taiwan is an excellent country to cycle tour in.

And yes Joe does look like my younger self before I faded. He’s far more sensible than I was at his age though.

5 years ago
Gregory Garceau commented on The End

Good job with the tour and the journal, Graham. I enjoy reading about father/son trips. They remind me of the time my own son rode with me for the first week of my Seattle to Minneapolis trip. He had been living 2,000 miles away for a few years so we didn't get to see him all that often. That week of touring together provided some very memorable bonding time.

By the way, Joe sure looks like you. He might even look more like you than YOU look like you . . . if that's even possible.


5 years ago
Graham Smith commented on The End

Kathleen thanks for the comment. I appreciate it.

We’ve just arrived home and the fire and smoke situation here is much better here, but the bushfire emergency isn’t over yet. There are still uncontrolled fires gradually moving toward Canberra. May be rain will arrive in time. May be not.

We are entering uncharted times as climate change causes the weather swings to get wilder, and the atmospheric/ocean systems recalibrate to different averages and extremes. All we can do is expect the unexpected, and expect the weather to be wilder than it used to be.

Canadians and Australians share many similar cultural histories, and we obviously share experiences of weather extremes; but at different ends of the temperature spectrum. Your extreme cold weather is unimaginable to me.

If nothing else, these extreme weather events are character building, and good preparation for cycle touring which always has a few surprises.

5 years ago
Kathleen Classen commented on The End

Thank you so much for your journal. I loved reading it and appreciate the effort it takes to write each day. Best wishes on your return to Australia. We have been following the situation there closely-we have a beloved Australian daughter in law. We are on the west coast of Canada and wished often we could send some of our rain (which is currently snow) your way. Happy trails!

5 years ago
Graham Smith replied to a comment by Steve Miller/Grampies on a photo in Over the Hills to Hualien

Steve we didn’t see any more like it. So I’m now calling it unique, not just unusual.

5 years ago
Graham Smith commented on The End

You are welcome Angela. I had fun doing the journal so I hope a few people enjoy reading it.

5 years ago
Angela Naef commented on The End

Thanks for sharing you journey, I really enjoyed following along!

5 years ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on a photo in Over the Hills to Hualien

An unusual house for any area, I would say.

5 years ago
Graham Smith replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on a photo in It’s a Tad Windy

Thanks Bill. Mystery solved.

5 years ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in It’s a Tad Windy

Dragon fruit.

5 years ago