Journal Comments - PedalPushin 2024 - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 4)

From PedalPushin 2024 by Larry Mitchell

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Scott Anderson commented on a photo in April 22 - 28 … The Snow is almost gone!

Wow. I’ve never been up there to see this, but that’s really amazing.

10 months ago
Scott Anderson commented on April 1 - 7

It’s no wonder you head south for the winter, Larry. It’s a wonder that you don’t stay longer.

10 months ago
Larry Mitchell replied to a comment by Kelly Iniguez on a photo in March 6-10

The moose story was all over the news up here. My only guess was the he gutted the moose but possibly didn’t move the gut pile far enough away or only gutted the main body cavity and left some parts inside. Dallas is a long time Alaskan and he took the 2 hour penalty without argument.

All the mushers I personally know carry a gun when they run their dogs. A moose can do a tremendous amount of damage if it gets tangled in the lines although most moose run for the trees when they encounter dogs and mushers.

But we don’t have all those pocky, stinging, and needles things up here nor snakes or scorpions.

11 months ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on a photo in March 6-10

Did you read the article recently about the man in the Iditarod who was penalized two hours because he improperly gutted a moose after killing it? It seemed the issue was that he didn't do a good job, but the article didn't say what he should have done. Who knew that you needed to put that in your training, along with the usual physical requirements! He did have a handgun, which he used when the moose attacked. There's something else I wouldn't be prepared to do. There's all kinds of level of toughness.

11 months ago
Larry Mitchell replied to a comment by Kelly Iniguez on Packing and Flying

Haven’t noticed any gear issues when we come back from our trips but I also do a thorough cleaning and relaxing of the trikes when we come back. It helps that the trikes are already in their folded form from the travel. For the first time in at least 15 years, the airlines did a small bit of damage to one of our front wheels. Somehow their handling broke the spoke nipple on one spoke. Easy fix but I’m still trying to figure that one out.

I’m glad you enjoyed the journal. Doing a yearly journal is a new one for me but I’m hoping its gives the larger picture of a cycling year versus just one trip.

We are definitely in a state of withdrawal and slight depression since returning home. Think the colder, snowier outside isn’t helping a whole lot. But on the bright side, we actually as as much daylight as Tucson this time of year but not the 70 degree temperatures.

11 months ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on Packing and Flying

Do you have trouble shifting gears after your warm weather escapes? Spring weather in Colorado has been unseasonably warm - high 40's, not too much wind, rain (not snow). Do I ride? Very little! Mostly I look out the window and think of the sunshine and high 70 degree temperatures in Tucson right now. Today I did ride 23 miles, I managed to stay mostly in front of the rain, but got wet enough to zip my phone away. Yes, my preference for warm weather riding is a bit worrisome.

I've enjoyed your journal. It was fun to meet in person. You did an excellent job of exploring all parts of Tucson and beyond.

11 months ago
Larry Mitchell replied to a comment by Karen Poret on Day 27 - Treat Street, the Final Hoorah

Thanks for following along.

11 months ago
Karen Poret commented on Day 27 - Treat Street, the Final Hoorah

Thank you for your journal of this trip! Safe travels back home..

11 months ago
Larry Mitchell commented on a photo in Day 27 - Treat Street, the Final Hoorah

We have learned over the many trips that renting a van is the only way to go as long as the back seat folds down and hopefully the mid seats as well. We were fortunate this trip is that we could store the boxes and mid seats with our friends which made transporting the fully assembled trikes very easy.

11 months ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on a photo in Day 27 - Treat Street, the Final Hoorah

That's a perfect fit - did you know which vehicle to request at the rental agency? We shall see you next year!

11 months ago
Karen Poret commented on a photo in Day 26 - San Xavier Mission

So proud of himself, as he should be! Thank you for acknowledging him..

1 year ago
Larry Mitchell commented on Day 25 - Treat Street Loop

Admittedly we would love to stay much longer but granddaughter duty is luring us back.

1 year ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on Day 25 - Treat Street Loop

It is too bad that the weekend Lycra warriors feel so entitled. One finds them almost everywhere. Often they ride 2 or 3 aside on a narrow path, expectings all others to leap sideways to avoid them. Sheesh. Glad you are having such a good winter break, are you sure you want to go home so soon?

1 year ago
Larry Mitchell commented on a map in Day 24 - The Loop #2

Riding the mission on Sunday as we check out of our current lodging and move to our last lodging. Will add that route into my big map, maybe next year as we leave on Tuesday.

1 year ago
Larry Mitchell commented on a map in Day 23 - To the Left, To the Left

Good to hear. The engineer described himself as a “crusty old engineer” not public relations. Go figure

1 year ago