Journal Comments - We'll Follow the Sun - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 5)

From We'll Follow the Sun by Sue Price & Jim Price

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Tiffany Ellison commented on a photo in A New Year's Day to remember

LOVE it!

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on a photo in A Two-for

I never shower at a pool prior to going in the water.

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on Last day in Valladolid

I was just puzzling over how to say it lol!

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on To D or not to D

The Mexican drivers seem way better than Richmond drivers as me and CJ had a lot of trouble with them when we were on our bikes. They did not give u any room at all and seemed annoyed that we were there.

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on a photo in On to the painted city

That's too freaky for me!

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on a photo in Flamingo Road

The pix r pretty gud tho

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on I can see for miles and miles

What were the drops on ur handlebars?

6 years ago
Tiffany Ellison commented on a photo in I can see for miles and miles

Oh that looks really nice!

6 years ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on The Big Valley

I am still a bit confused about the CUCs and the PUPs. Lots of sites indicate that the conversion is 25 PUPS to a CUC. (So that would imply that you got shortchanged for your 20 CUCs Jan 21 - should have got 500 PUPs). What I am mainly wondering is whether prices are different if you have PUPs vs CUCS - like, do locals or those with local currency pay less? Some other sites say that $US are also commonly accepted. True? If yes, if a local takes a $US, what can they do with it? And if a local takes a CUC, will they spend it like that, or convert right away (somewhere) to PUPs.

Since your time and internet are limited right now, you could stop reading this here - I'll try to quiz you more at home - but if you are up for it --> more questions: CUCs have coins and paper. The smallest CUC coin is 5 centavos. A 5 centavo CUC is therefore about the same value as one PUP (one PUP is actually 4 CUC centavos). So could you have bought that coffee with a 5 centavo CUC?

And finally, I assume that 1 PUP is the smallest PUP value. Is it paper, or a coin?

Steve (the Economics guy)

6 years ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on a photo in Cycling through The National Geographic

But st.........

6 years ago
Sue Price replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on The Big Valley


6 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on The Big Valley

Congrats on making it over the pass! Next year, the French Alps!

6 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in The Big Valley

It depends. What do you think it is?

6 years ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in The Big Valley


6 years ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in The Big Valley

I think it is royal palm. Matches well with images, anyway.

6 years ago