Journal Comments - To Begin Again - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 14)

From To Begin Again by Andrea Brown & Bruce Lellman

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Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

I would put that smile in the 'full body smile' category of smiles.

2 years ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

That's a lotta water out there!

2 years ago
Chris Wee commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

The flags fly in your favour

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

You're absolutely right. I saw one completely full and it looked like it might stay that way for years. Heavy and really hard to dump all the bottles out of the top small opening.

2 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

Creative alright, but how practical? I wonder how they’re emptied.

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Scott Anderson on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

Well, it goes down pretty quickly so I thought I should start with something nice.

2 years ago
Scott Anderson commented on a photo in Hua Hin to Sam Roi Yot

Wow. What a gorgeous way to start a post.

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Ron Suchanek on a photo in Treat each guest honorably

The indicators are a great thing but I went back and opened the door to the one with the urinal and it was stacked with empty cardboard boxes, piles of toilet paper, brooms and a whole bunch of other stuff. There was no way to get to the urinal!! So typical.

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Rachael Anderson on a photo in Treat each guest honorably

It is! There are so many things to choose from. The bowl on the left is called jok which is a typical old Thai breakfast. It's boiled broken rice with minced pork in it. Then there are lots of toppings to choose from. Mine was heavy on hot chilis but under them are small dried fish, fermented something or other and green onions.

The large plate has the main course which was chicken curry that was infused with the taste of fresh kefir lime leaves. Yum!

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Kristen Arnim on a photo in Treat each guest honorably

Sorry, Kristen. I didn't get your reference right away. But I still don't care for fried chicken.

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in A Week of Movement but not by Bicycle - Days 5 & 6

I love this setting, the buffet and the family members who run this hotel. It's a classy and well run operation. And the buffet is fantastic.

2 years ago
Bruce Lellman replied to a comment by Jen Rahn on a photo in A Week of Movement but not by Bicycle Day 7

I would say he had some serious head pain from the night before. I have the feeling he partied hard on New Year's Eve. He was pretty out of it the entire way.

2 years ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in A Week of Movement but not by Bicycle Day 7

That is a much more comfortable sleeping position.

2 years ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in A Week of Movement but not by Bicycle Day 7

There probably aren't too many circumstances that would make it possible to sleep with one's head on that armrest.

He might have some head and neck pain when he wakes up!

2 years ago
Jen Rahn commented on a photo in A Week of Movement but not by Bicycle - Days 5 & 6

I can just hear that guy on the screen saying, "Get out your spicy shrimp double barbeque chips and Oreos, folks! Let's party!!"


2 years ago