Journal Comments - Gapped Traversal of (most) the GAP: Tea Time Trilogy - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Gapped Traversal of (most) the GAP: Tea Time Trilogy by John Pescatore

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John Pescatore commented on Confluence to West Newton on the GAP: No Tea for Carole, Apple Pie for Me

I always carry at least a tube, CO2 and levers, but I had forgotten that this bike (which has thru-axles) requires a #6 Allen wrench to get the wheels off - there are no built in handles.

Well, actually: I did NOT forget. I have two multi-tools and the newer one has a #6 but for this ride I just swapped saddle bags with my road bike that DOES have handles on the thru-axles and that had the old multi-tool and no #6!

The Donnnelly MSO 40MM that flatted are pretty easy to get on/off - on multi-day road rides I'm usually on Schwalbe Marathons that are NOT and carry a bead jack and a pump.

8 months ago
Mike Ayling commented on Confluence to West Newton on the GAP: No Tea for Carole, Apple Pie for Me

Never go out without a pump and puncture repair stuff!

8 months ago
John Pescatore commented on a photo in Tea Time Returns, the Sequel: Confluence PA to Cumberland MD

It melted fast in the heat - just like me!

10 months ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on Continuing a Love Affair With the Great Allegheny Passage Trail

We award you a prize for pretty close to the magic 1000. It almost feels like everyone is holding off either to hit 1000 or to avoid looking like they are trying too hard. Glad you jumped in with this interesting and well written journal.

10 months ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on a photo in Tea Time Returns, the Sequel: Confluence PA to Cumberland MD

Looks good.

10 months ago