Journal Comments - Frankie goes to.....Indochina - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments (page 6)

From Frankie goes to.....Indochina by Frank Roettgen

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Leo van Noort commented on a photo in Day 50: Ha Tien - Kampot (back in CAMBODIA)

Hahaha, found some hotels where you get a 1,000 USD fine if you bring in a durian.....

6 years ago
Leo van Noort commented on a photo in Day 50: Ha Tien - Kampot (back in CAMBODIA)

Fantastic pic !

6 years ago
jan houtermans commented on Day 51: Kampot - Sihanoukville

When I had my morning coffee today I was thinking about you going to Sihanoukville and I did not envy you. Seems that realty outmatched the worst expectations and Sihanoukville is becoming exactly the disgusting tourist destination like to be feared.
Move on to Thailand soon, there are just minor changes and the beaches like Laem Sing and the quiet roads will be as tranquil as you remembered ( not like the along the Mekong in Isaan) . No more disappointments.

Enjoy cycling, anyway.


6 years ago
Bruce Lellman commented on Rest day in Ha Tien and some final thoughts on Vietnam

I'm so sorry you had bad nights at Viet Toan Hotel. I guess it was probably due to Tet.

We lugged our warm clothes all the way to Thailand to mail back home. I completely trust Thai post offices and have always found the people there to be nice and the procedure efficient. My experience in Asia of mailing packages home has been disastrous from any country other than Thailand. Nothing has ever made it home from other countries but every package I've ever mailed from Thailand, dating back to 1974, has made it.

And buying water in Vietnam.... The first Vietnamese words we learned were 'how much' - Bao neo? We found that if you ask how much in their own language they don't know if you know Vietnamese and are therefore honest. But we also always tried to give them exact change as well. I think this might have helped us have no problems.

Thank you for your wonderful journal. We are enjoying it immensely.

7 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Jeff Arnim on Day 47: Nga Bay - Vi Thanh

Thank you very much, Jeff. I believe the key is to have the provision to post full size photos. So I wish to return the compliment! Frank (currently Ha Tien/VN)

7 years ago
Jeff Arnim commented on Day 47: Nga Bay - Vi Thanh

The wonderful photographs just go on and on and on. So beautiful, so inspiring. Great work!

7 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by jan houtermans on Day 47: Nga Bay - Vi Thanh

Jan, Dir altem Reise-Haudegen brauche ich Vietnam nicht zu erklären, aber das Wort Hassliebe passt mich für mich hier besser als irgendwo anders. Wenn man sich die Zeit nimmt und Strecken fährt die irgendwas mit Wasser zu tun haben (Mekong oder Kanäle) kriegst Du sekündlich (wirklich!) Gelegenheit für ein schönes Foto, weil es einfach permanent passiert, das Leben. Aber dann ist da natürlich der Lärm- und sonstige Verschmutzungsfaktor. Aber da ich mich bisher nicht eine Sekunde unsicher auf der Strasse gefühlt habe, geht mein Daumen für Vietnam ohne Wenn und Aber nach oben. Aber jetzt will ich dann doch erstmal ein wenig Ruhe und nütze die 30 Tage meines Visums nicht aus. Mal gucken ob ich die in Sihanoukville finde, sonst geht´s zügig nach Thailand. Aber irgendwie weiss ich jetzt schon, dass ich die Kanalfahrten in Bälde vermissen werde. Skurriles Geschäft unser radeln, oder? Lieben Gruss! Frank

7 years ago
jan houtermans commented on Day 47: Nga Bay - Vi Thanh

Wenn ich Deine Eintraege und Bilder so sehe, werde ich ein wenig neidisch und bereue, dass ich mich kurzfristig dagegen entschieden habe, ins Mekongdelta zu reisen. Sieht alles so bunt, lebendig und froehlich aus, wurlig und geschaeftig. Viel Freude noch und halte immer Ausschau nach Lautsprechertuermen und Karaokemaschinen.

7 years ago
Leo van Noort commented on a photo in Day 46: Tra Vinh - Nga Bay

Wow beautiful !

7 years ago
Frank Roettgen replied to a comment by Ute Nonhoff on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre

Possibly, Ute. But I don´t think it would still be out there then....

7 years ago
Ute Nonhoff commented on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre


7 years ago
Ute Nonhoff commented on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre

maybe they celebrated her 50th birthday with this?

7 years ago
Leo van Noort replied to a comment by Leo van Noort on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre

a fine I mean of course.

7 years ago
Leo van Noort commented on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre

The Durian, hahaha, on my last hotel in Thailand there was a sign of $ 1000 if you bring durian to your room.....

7 years ago
Andrea Brown commented on a photo in Day 44: Vinh Long - Ben Tre

I'm so glad you got a view of the river!

7 years ago