Member Profile
George (Buddy) Hall

I did a few overnight cycle tours during my college years, but my real introduction to loaded self-supported cycle touring came in 2015 when I realized a long-time dream of mine and rode the 4,300 mile ACA Transamerica route. That was a solo tour, though I did meet other cyclists and enjoyed their company during parts of the tour. That trip hooked me on cycle touring, and in 2017 I rode the ACA Western Express route from San Francisco, CA to Pueblo, CO (1,600 miles). I rode the Northern Tier route (4,300 miles) in 2021. In the fall of 2022, I rode the Great Rivers South route (1,500 miles).
I've ridden approximately 12,000 miles of self-supported loaded touring and my adventures have taken me across 31 U.S. states now. I've also done a bit of lightly-loaded day touring in Germany along the Rhine River. I'm just a beginner compared to many, but I've learned a few things along the way. One very important lesson I have learned is that the cycling itself is only half of the battle; the adventure aspects make up the other half and are the most unpredictable.
In "real life" I worked as an Engineer and Geologist and occasional forensic consultant. I retired in early 2021 at the young age of 68, and I am eager to do a lot of cycle touring in my golden years! It's becoming more challenging to tour now, because I have to fight both aggressive prostate cancer and melanoma along with the usual rigors associated with cycle touring. The experts say that one of the cancers will eventually win out, but I plan on winning a few cycle-touring "battles" before that happens. Every tour completed is another battle won - so that's how I roll! How many battles do I have left before I become too weak to tour? I guess we'll see...