Lessons learned - Tally Gals Bike Adventures - CycleBlaze

June 4, 2019

Lessons learned

Or, what worked and what didn’t

We learned a lot during this bike adventure and thought we would pass along some of that info.

1. We all took too much stuff with us! We would cut down on the number of jerseys and bike pants 3 bottoms and tops would be sufficient. 3 pair of thin smart wool socks.  One off bike top and bottom, one pair of tights and a skirt plus underwear and that’s it. Just have to wash more often.

2. Our down vest or jacket was critical we wore them every day until the last two weeks of the trip.

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3. Really good rain gear is super important. A rain poncho even one made for bike riding doesn’t cut it in a cold rain as you get wet up to the elbows!

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4.  We really needed the gps to take us directly to our hotels. Written directions were ok but hard to access while riding and the garmin took us right there every time.

5. Don’t always believe the garmin if you haven’t gotten to the town of your final destination. It will often take you off the planned route to take a more direct route not on the bike path.

6. Keep you eyes peeled at all times for bike route signs. Everyone in the group needs to pitch in on this one to avoid missing turns!

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7.  Know that the kind of signs for the trail you are following may change as you go along when you leave one country or region and move into another. You also need to learn the traffic signs for the countries in which you are traveling. For example, no bikes signs look different in Europe.

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8. People are really nice! We had many locals help us along the way when the way wasn’t clear or when we had a flat etc.

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9. Don’t try to do too many miles. Stop and smell the roses and see the sights along the way. 30 miles is really enough in order to allow time to do things As you go along.

10. Plan for days off just to relax and extra time for museums and sites. We found we needed double the time stated in the literature. Climbing a mountain or walking 15 miles, while an off bike day, does not count as a rest day. We were not very good at this and only managed one rest day and hiked well over 125 miles in addition to our riding days.

11. Travel with a great group of people, the people you are with will help make your trip all it can be.

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12. Consider an ebike for the trip. We found that tons of people use ebikes in Europe. They just make everything easier. You are more apt to go on little side trips/adventures when you have an ebike. Ebikes are still work when going up hills and they don’t erase steep grades but they do make things more doable.  They help erase any age barrier to cycling. We saw lots of cyclists in their 70s and 80s.

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13. Make sure you bring your most comfortable walking shoes. If they are big and bulky bring them anyway you will want them! We rode wearing our hiking boots/trail shoes to save bringing a third pair of shoes.

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14. You don’t need a tablet if you have a larger smart phone. I ended up not using mine at all. It was just extra weight.

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Sandy OsteenWhat a great adventure. Glad you are back safe and sound. Take time to rest then it is time to start planning your next adventure!
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5 years ago