Moutier to Neuchâtel - Poking Round Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 8, 2024

Moutier to Neuchâtel

Navigating to Neuchâtel

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We started the day with the hotel breakfast, which was a pleasant surprise. We left well fuelled and ready to go. Keith’s beloved croissants were there and in this spot the coffee was made for you. 

A heart on our cappuccinos.
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We knew rain was expected at 4 PM, so our goal was to be in Neuchâtel before the rain started. We didn’t make it by then, but it didn’t matter as the rain started sooner than forecast so we got wet regardless.  Fortunately it was light rain, not a downpour, and while blue skies and sunshine are always preferred, it wasn’t a problem to ride in. 

The morning climb was moderate and just so beautiful. We both really enjoyed it. There was no shoulder after the beginning but light and respectful traffic. It was my favourite part of a great day. 

We still had a shoulder here.
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Keith didn’t see me pull off to take this picture. We ended up in the classic situation where he thought I was ahead of him when I was behind him. It can happen.
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Rachael AndersonBe careful about that. One of my worst experiences cycle touring was when we were separated going up a pass and didn’t find each other for a long time! Fortunately, I ran into some people that told me he was ahead of me but I didn’t have food or warm clothing so it was such a relief when we finally found each other.
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1 week ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Rachael AndersonI read your journal about that disaster and actually thought of it when Keith told me what had happened. What a scary day that was for both of you! It is crazy how it can happen, but at least these days we can call each other…unless there is no service. I think your Garmins are the perfect solution.
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1 week ago
Fortunately he pulled off here to call me. Then he saw me coming up the hill.
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All the car traffic was going through the mountain using this tunnel.
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We were then routed through the countryside and everything was going well. We had a navigational hiccup before Biel though. Things just weren’t making sense. With the help of two Swiss cyclists we found the new route, which was gorgeous. I swear the asphalt might have still been warm it was so new. 

Trail side companion.
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Karen PoretI had 🐐 today, too! Yay!
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1 week ago
Everything is so green.
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We were enjoying a terrific descent here. A brief stop to rest my hands.
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On the brand new bike route.
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This felt like riding on butter.
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It was so pretty.
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Then we followed the road for awhile until we were really stymied. The new route led us to a busy highway and a tunnel. We were about to take a much longer ride to circumvent the tunnel when along came another local cyclist who said it was safe, brand new, and built to accommodate bikes. So we followed him, we were through, and immediately after the tunnel there was the bike route.  It is so nice to see fancy new infrastructure like that built to accommodate bikes. No picture of that part though, tunnels are so loud and we were madly trying to keep up with our carbon fibre roadie friend. 

We were just turning around here when our roadie friend came along. It was great timing.
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Biel is so much bigger than we realized. We came this way in 2019 but stayed on the bike path and continued to Erlach where we spent the night. This time we had to go right through town to get to the bike path but the CN managed brilliantly. He had had quite enough of complicated navigating by then I think. 

On the waterfront path in Biel.
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Lake below.
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From there to Neuchâtel was straightforward, although it started to rain. We zipped along though and it was an enjoyable ride. We stopped briefly in Erlach to take a picture of our accommodation in 2019…it was such a fun spot…and met Rolf and Daniel. 

Rolling along, great surface, easy navigating.
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Our sweet little B and B. I was so happy to see it survived Covid.
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How many competent men does it take to get a tire back on a rim? More than three in this case. They had to admit defeat. It was crazy, because Keith has good tire changing skills.
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Rolf, Daniel and myself. A great meet up of like minded people.
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Then it was the last 20 km into Neuchatel. There was a glitch at check in as the provided bike storage was sketchy as it gets. We just couldn’t chance it. The lovely young woman at the front desk called the higher up, which was so sweet of her, and our bikes are now comfortable in the conference room. There were three happy people in the lobby when we got the thumbs up. 

The cars don’t get this view coming into the city.
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The lake and the view of the other side reminded us of the Okanagan.
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Today's ride: 81 km (50 miles)
Total: 216 km (134 miles)

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Karen PoretWell, Kathleen my route in northern Netherlands ( Friesland) was very similar to yours.. 🌧️ downpours happened just as we were going to exit the Spitkeet museum. Thank goodness we were allowed to wait an extra 10 minutes! Goats, water views and safe cycling routes! We are all so lucky!
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1 week ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Karen PoretAren’t we! And maybe the rain is a reminder to slow down and smell the roses. The skies today had their own special beauty.
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1 week ago