A rest day in Lutherstadt Wittenburg - The Bartletts Bike the Baltics - CycleBlaze

May 12, 2019

A rest day in Lutherstadt Wittenburg

Seavo has motor trouble

We woke up hoping that our sick motor was just a bad dream. Being able to ride the rest of the distance that we have planned could be a challenge without pedal assist. 

The“scientific” approach of hoping that a miracle had happened overnight,  now that the bike has dried out, didn’t work. So we did what we imagined any electrician would do and jiggled wires, checked connections  and that didn’t work.  Well, that was the extent of our expertise, so Barry then consulted the manual and that didn’t help either. No error codes....so we gave up.

We’ll phone Akkurad, the company in Koln, Monday morning  to see if they can recommend a shopor figure out the problem. We are guessing that it could be the controller. 

Barry is trying to figure out what is wrong the electric motor. Buster Bear is providing Barry with emotional support in this difficult and stressful time.
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Things don’t look good
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It’s thumbs down, so let’s go for a ride, sightsee and drown our sorrows at an Eis Cafe.
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Ice cream helps, no matter the problem.
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Wittenberg has recently been renamed Lutherstadt Wittenberg, in acknowledgement of Martin Luther and the significance of his role in the  course  of history in relation to the  Reformation and Wittenberg. Visiting here, one can become immersed in all aspects of his life.  We spent a few days here on a previous trip and visited most of the museums and sights, so this time we will take a more relaxed approach. The Schloß Kirche was completely closed at that time for complicated restoration, so that will be one place where we will definitely go.

An image of Martin Luther which represents him as a man who chose simplicity over the trappings and “indulgences” of religion.
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The tower of the Schloß Kirche (Castle Church) is an iconic image of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Martin Luther is buried in this church, gave sermons here and most famously nailed his 95 theses on a door of this church, rejecting the indulgences of faith for the simpler doctrine of the Reformation, helping those in need without material gain.
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The pipes of the organ complimented by the painted ceilings and crests of the region.
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Schloß Kirche -there is a beauty in the simplicity and scale of this church, beloved for its connection to Luther and the Reformstion.
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The Gothic details and quality of light streaming in give a feeling of the history of this building.
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A detail of one of the doors in the church.
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The altar with its intricate gothic carving is beautifully framed by the stained glass windows.
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Seavo has some tandem friends to hang out with - a Hase Pino and a Pedal Power with an adapted child’s seat for the stoker.
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The Market Church is recognized by its twin steeples and its simple, classic style. It is here that Martin Luther was married and often held services.
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The Market Church is less grand than the Schloß Kirche. I preferred its understated simplicity. The roses in built-in vases at the end of each pew is a lovely detail.
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Charmaine RuppoltNeat that each pew had built-in vases for flowers! Never seen that before!
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11 months ago
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Keith ClassenWe are hoping you will be able to have a quick fix to your electric motor issues and get the show back on the road. Despite the setback looks like you made good use of your day.
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5 years ago