Charm? - France on a roll -- depending on charm - CycleBlaze

March 25, 2011


"Karen has a lot of charm but she ought not depend on it."

My 6th-grade teacher wrote those very words on my report card back in the day. What he was driving at I don't know, but I'm hoping he was wrong, because this summer I'm heading to France, on my bike, and charm may be all I have to get me by.

The problem is I don't speak French. If I had thought of this hair brain scheme a little sooner I could have taken a class or something, but it's too late for that now. I'll just have to get by on online language programs and, hopefully, my charm.

I guess if that doesn't work there's always pointing, like at menu items, or croissants in a bakery. And most American tourists know that if you speak English slowly and loudly enough you are more understandable and likable to non-English speakers, especially in France. Given all that, maybe I'll be okay? Only time will tell.

But either way, what does it matter? I'm going to France! I'm going to RIDE my BICYCLE in FRANCE! This is going to be SO COOL!

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