Once again, we divide and conquer...Barry rides solo and Mary Ellen takes the train - A Grand 3 Month European Tour on an E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2018

Once again, we divide and conquer...Barry rides solo and Mary Ellen takes the train

EMary Ellen is still pretty sick and has a nasty cough, so for her it’s the train and for Barry it will be another solo ride on Seavo with just Buster for company. Our destination today is Treviso, a town that is reputed to be very pretty, with canals and rivers throughout, hence the expression: Treviso, a place of art and water.

We enjoy the connections we have been making at the family run hotels we have stayed at, and Hotel Brennero lives up to this. Father and son share the running of the hotel. We have really liked the small town of Bassano del Grappa.  We are happy with our choice  to ride a northern circle of the Veneto region to explore smaller, less touristic communities like Bassano, Soave and Treviso, rather than heading south to the busier region near Venice. 

Today is going to be another very hot day. Barry dropped me off at the station and my journey looks pretty simple -2 trains..to Castelfranco then Treviso..about 90 min and only 5euros. Barry on the other hand has to ride in the heat.

Unlike the first day of train travel out of Soave, today went like clockwork-on time and no surprises. We have chosen to stay at Dolce Casa B&B and she has kindly offered to pick me up at the train.

We are staying in a gracious Italian home filled with beautiful art and furniture, and best of all, hosted by its hospitable owner, Gracie. It is a 5min walk to the old wall of the historic centre and her home is set in a quiet, verdant setting. A good choice. 

Barry arrived about 6pm, hot and tired. He had had a good day of riding with just one climb, but once again the temperatures were in the mid 30’s with high humidity. He is looking forward to a day to explore Treviso tomorrow. 

Saying farewell at Hotel Brennero to an apprentice working there and to the two men who were staying there as well. There is an under 19 basketball tournament taking place here and they are pro basketball agents scouting talent.
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Another day, another train station. Saying farewell to Barry until we meet later in Treviso.
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Italy is great - vending machines offering food and bike parts for sale.
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And she’s off....
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Poor Barry -it is another scorcher and humid. It is good that Mary Ellen took the train.
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Barry met this guy sitting on his cage in a shopping mall and they engaged in an Italian/English conversation.
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Could this be our hotel for tonight? Not even close....Barry has seen impressive villas today on his ride to Treviso.
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Barry had the good fortune to encounter this pro cycling race with world class riders. Mark Cavendish is in this race.
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A cycling fan with his dog watching the race.
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Canal riding for part of the day
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Barry envies this duckling’s refreshing swim in the canal.
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Another thing to love about Italy is the availability of cold drinking water everywhere.
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Hydrangeas are at their peak - thanks to Steve Miller for his question about what the stand out flower for Italy has been and for us it’s a toss up between roses and hydrangeas. Spain...flowering cacti, France....lavender...
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Steve Miller/GrampiesAhh, Hydrangea. We found different flowers dominant in different regions - Iris in Provence, Rhododendron in Brittany, and Hydrangea in Netherlands. Is there one that seems everywhere in your part of Italy?
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6 years ago
Barry BartlettTo Steve Miller/GrampiesWell, that’s a tough one - lots of hydrangeas here, but I think that roses win out. Each region is different, so we’ll see as we proceed. The roses remind me of Toronto’s Italian neighbourhoods where front yards are dominated by roses, grapes and stone statues. Now Spain (Catalonia) was special as we were there when cacti were in full bloom. Hedges and hillsides of flowering cacti -stunning.
You have had an epic trip. We sympathize with Dodie’s knee pain and hope that rest will help. I have had chronic knee issues for 50 years and understand the pain and challenges.
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6 years ago
Italy doesn’t offer many dedicated cycling paths, but there are so many routes to follow. Good sources are: bicitalia, Italy Cycling Guideand Biroto. All provide gps tracks as well.
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Italy has a gentle touch when asking people to follow the rules of the road - Grazie!!
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We have made it to Treviso - Mary Ellen by train and Barry by bike. What a hot humid day.
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Today's ride: 68 km (42 miles)
Total: 2,879 km (1,788 miles)

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