Day 84 - a Wise move and getting to Java - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

July 23, 2023

Day 84 - a Wise move and getting to Java

The day started with a ping from my phone. It was from Wise, asking me to check my card. Sure enough, another bodgy transaction that all relates to the desperate struggle when trying to get an Indonesian visa. I canceled the card and conceded that I was there for the taking by the Commonwealth Bank. Let the fees and crap exchange rates begin. I just want to ride a bike.

So, after breakfast that's what I did. Well, it wasn't really breakfast but a weird jaffle of the thinnest bread smeared with chocolate  - probably enough fuel to get me  the two km to the ferry.

I believe that India narrowly beat Indonesia in the last Olympic queuing competition.
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It was the usual catfight with trucks reversing onto the ferry while those on two wheels jostle for position. I fought well.

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John GrantA good turning circle on that truck, I'd guess !
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10 months ago

The water in the Bali Strait looked angry. I'm sure this is due to the geography  - the Bali Strait is just 2.5 km at its narrowest point.

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My breakfast did more than I expected. I wasn't completely hollow until I pushed off the ferry in Java. I went to the first warung I saw. If the rat of generous proportions lazing outside was any indicator, then I had chosen well. I downed a plate of fried noodles and headed north. Destination: who knows where.

Again, it's mostly flat and I made good time, quickly peeling off 50 km before I needed more food. The road skirted Taman Nasional Baluran, interesting looking country, with a huge population of roadside macaques. Of course, people toss food to them as they drive by which puts me, the cyclist, in close proximity to a lot of monkeys. I'd rather deal with dogs!

Taman Nasional Baluran
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The road was busy with all types of vehicle but especially trucks loaded with new motorcycles or with sugarcane. The landscape featured regular volcanoes. 

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If piles are your thing, make them coconuts.
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A truck of sugarcane.
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Basic camouflage training.
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John GrantIt looks like they're learning well !
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10 months ago

I had done 100 km and got to Situbondo by mid-afternoon, but kept going knowing that the coast lay ahead. With little money in my pocket, I was confident of finding a cheap rat-hole for the night. I succeeded at Hotel Foresta at Pasir Putih, and got A/C too, which vaguely worked once I cleaned the filter. Every so often a piece of ceiling falls.

This is how to sell your wares.
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People were enjoying the G

grey sands of the beach but few venture into the water. I played around with camera and phone and produced a few sanitized photographs.

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John GrantClassic sunset shot ! Nice work Wal.
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10 months ago

And that's 30 days in Indonesia.

Today's ride: 116 km (72 miles)
Total: 6,364 km (3,952 miles)

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John GrantThirty days in Indonesia ! I can't say I've achieved anything very special in the last month. Well done Wal.
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10 months ago
Ian WallisThanks John, it hasn't been the easiest month of my life. But I'll get home and someone will say " how was your holiday"?
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10 months ago