Day 79 - I've cycled to the Diamantina and Bali too and I won't be back until the cycling's done - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

July 18, 2023

Day 79 - I've cycled to the Diamantina and Bali too and I won't be back until the cycling's done

I'm having a lazy morning. Alil, here, suggested that I visit the Islamic Centre, so after breakfast I jumped on my bike and pedaled the 3 km. Remember the rule: cycle, don't walk, in the tropics!

As always, the streets were quiet in the early morning. There were even a few cyclists on decent roadbikes.

A sensible system of alternating one-way tree-lined streets.
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It's a place full of character.
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The Islamic Centre did not disappoint. What a magnificent building, especially in the early morning light.

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I cycled back and found a parcel sitting outside my room. Artha, who took my 6000 km photos, had arranged for his son-in-law to drop off a couple of t-shirts. There are people out there that you just want to meet for more than an hour! Artha spends his time now volunteering on water projects. We need more like him.

Over another coffee, three bananas, a mangosteen and a mango, I got my Bali plan together. If I get the ferry to Padangbai and then cycle to Ubud, I will miss Kuta. How un-Australian!  I might add that I have heard that Bali is relatively quiet.

There's a little hitch - the ferry leaves at 12 and takes 4 hours so Ubud will have to wait until tomorrow.   I'll then continue north with a 1500 m climb and a similar descent, to Singaraja. 

I rather enjoyed the ride to the ferry but thought I had cut it fine so pushed hard. I did stop quickly at a bakery and again to photograph more cyclists.

Fitability - eat your hearts out!
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I needn't have bothered rushing to the 12 o'clock ferry. I was there by 1130, put money on my Brizzi card, got my boarding pass at the next window and then sat around for an hour and a half waiting to board. I wonder if it's possible to be late for an Indonesian ferry. You may be confused over whether you are early or late. Anyway, we did finally get going at 2. Yes, an hour sitting on the boat!

Beautiful scenery leaving Lombok.
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Marvelous light over Bali.
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Again I am arriving with no accommodation organised. I checked one guest house but it is fully booked. I'll find something, somehow. I wasn't counting on these ferry magicians having another card up their sleeve. We arrived at Padangbai at 6.15 and sat offshore for just a little while. I was finally pushing my bike off the boat at 8.45!!!

One day someone will explain to me why you have heavy vehicles reversing from roll-on, roll-off ferries. Am I missing something?

With a little searching of pitch black lanes, I found somewhere to stay. I set my standards very low this evening but came up trumps. With a little more searching I got a very good mie goreng - fried noodles.

Today's ride: 33 km (20 miles)
Total: 6,029 km (3,744 miles)

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Graham SmithIan at this accelerating pace (averaging a new island every 1.5 days) I expect you’ll be half way along Java by the time I check your journal tomorrow.

Will you be buying each of the Friday Peloton an “I’ve Been Bali Too” T-shirt?
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10 months ago
Ian WallisTo Graham SmithGraham, I'm now sure that if you want to get somewhere you would use a bike before a ferry. Ian
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10 months ago
Graham SmithMy only Indonesian ferry experience was on the Java to Lampung (southern Sumatra) ferry; the first time I took a group of 30 people to Bandar Lampung. In about 2016. I only did it once. Never again. All subsequent Java-Sumatra crossings were on Garuda.

By contrast, I found the Javanese rail service to be very good. Especially from Jakarta to Yogya. The same service runs through to Surabaya.
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10 months ago
Ian DouglasI remember the queue to dock from my ferry trip from north Bali to East Java. The other part of our party diverted when their ferry captain chased a whale.
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10 months ago