Journal Comments - Me & The U.P. - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From Me & The U.P. by Gregory Garceau

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Bill Shaneyfelt replied to a comment by Gregory Garceau on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

Way back then, they were not spectacular... In fact, at first we thought it was reflections of lightning in clouds. It sure would have been great to see a real showing like you saw. Thanks for posting the pictures!

10 hours ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Suzanne Gibson on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

I did hear about reports from all over the world. Still, I think there was a little bit of luck involved in seeing them. I texted my brother while watching the light show. He went outside and looked for them for an hour and saw nothing even though he only lives 30 miles away. In fact, even as I watched them, they'd kind of come and go. And they disappeared for good at about 10:30 p.m. Yet, I've talked to other people who saw them in different places and at all different times of the night. I think I was at the right place at the right time.

11 hours ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

I can only imagine how awesome they looked from that unique land of lakes and canoes.

11 hours ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Kelly Iniguez on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

Hi Kelly,
That's a good observation on experience vs. youthful enthusiasm. From what I've seen, you certainly have enough everyday experience to know that pre-tour riding is a good idea, but loading up your bike for the pre-tour riding isn't all that important.
P.S. A couple years ago, I was driving on the part of your route between Challis, Idaho and Chief Joseph Pass and the whole time I was wishing I was on a bike. It's so beautiful.

11 hours ago
Suzanne Gibson commented on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

Those northern lights were global, they were also visible here in Gauting!

22 hours ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

Very nice! Last time I saw northern lights was probably about 15 years or more ago while I was in Boundary Waters in August.

1 day ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on Thus Spoke Greggarceau

I used to put panniers on my bike during spring break, then I would gradually add weight over spring until I was riding with the appropriate weight when school got out. Now, I didn't even put panniers on the new bike at all until we got to the start of the tour! The first few miles took a little adjustment (especially since we started on a downhill, so I was riding at speed). Probably that's not the recommended approach! You can get away with stuff once you have experience. Youthful enthusiasm is also helpful at a different age. I'm at the experienced place in life.

1 day ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on Inward Bound

You are my hero/role model when it comes to outdoor solitude. I can do it for a few days, maybe even a week. But two weeks or more would be too much. On the other hand, if I could keep my cell phone charged for that long, I'd be willing to give it a try.

1 month ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in Outward Bound

"Hello Verne," replied the Reptilian Water Rat.

1 month ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on Top Six

From the beginning of your blog, I knew you were channeling Ed Abbey, just as, from the beginning of this blog, you knew pasties would be the central theme. I also suspect, from the beginning, you were onto my wolverines joke. I'm pretty sure wolverines don't inhabit Michigan anymore. (If they ever did.) But that's the way colleges name their sports teams. They go for the aggressive animals. If I was in charge of the NCAA, the universities would be required to name their teams after something more representative of their area. In that case, the University of Michigan Wolverines would be re-named the University of Michigan Apple Trees. Or the University of Michigan Squirrels.

1 month ago
Gregory Garceau replied to a comment by Emily Sharp on a photo in Top Six

Totally agree. I'm not exactly sure why I quit backpacking when I took up bike touring. Maybe it was because I tend to immerse myself in whatever my latest outdoor activity is. At various times throughout my life, I thought car camping combined with day hikes was as good as you can get. Then backpacking was the best. Then I discovered wilderness canoeing, which became my new best. Then I went back to backpacking again. Then mountain biking was the best for a while. Then I went back to backpacking again. Then I thought RAGBRAI was the best. Then I "progressed" to bike touring. Surely, nothing could surpass bike touring, I thought. I said this in one of my previous journals, but there is certainly a possibility I could move on to something like surfing as my next best thing. I'm like a plastic Walmart bag blowing in the wind.

1 month ago
Emily Sharp commented on Inward Bound

I look forward to the U.P. adventure whenever it happens. Yes, a perfect day on the road for me involves speaking to no one. When I can string several days of that together... even better. If I knew my family were ok somehow, I think I could easily do 6 weeks of solitude, maybe more. I love the TV series ALONE (not the American or English versions, but the Aussie and northern European ones). I'd have to 'tap out' because I'd starve since I don't have fishing or trapping skills. But most people 'tap out' because they miss family/friends. Well, I only see my family once a year anyway, and I know my friends will still be there in a month, two or three... so I think I would kill it on the mental/emotional side of that challenge.

1 month ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Inward Bound

I could certainly live in something that small forever, but maybe not quiet that design. Despite the big front door, it seems it would be very dark inside. I think I'd rather hang in my tent!

1 month ago
Emily Sharp commented on a photo in Inward Bound

A bit of IA in MN :-)

1 month ago
Emily Sharp commented on Between Sunset And Sunrise

I love the writing in this page and agree with your feelings. And there is nothing I hate more (that I can think of off the top of my head anyway) than being cold when sleeping in my tent. Which is why, as a cold sleeper, I use a 15F bag on ALL of my tours and take a gazillion layers when temps are supposed to be below about 37F. I agree that there is nothing better than cuddling up in the sleeping bag and enjoying SILENCE.

1 month ago