Day 117 - Loop ride around Samish Island - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

August 10, 2023

Day 117 - Loop ride around Samish Island

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Ken and Francie took us to one of their favorite local cycling spots today.  It was a beautiful day and I was looking forward to getting back on the bike again.  It was my first ride in four and a half months.  The route was very scenic and had only a couple of small hills for us to climb.  Boy, was I out of shape!  I struggled on those little hills and Kerry and I asked Ken and Francie to cut the route short.  We returned to the car in Edison and had a delicious lunch at a local brewpub.  I had a number of pictures from the ride, but somehow they got lost.  Francie sent me these two she took.

Team Two Far at Samish Bay. This is the first ride for me to wear this year's jersey.
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Ken and Francie with us. They are a very strong tandem team.
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Today's ride: 20 miles (32 km)
Total: 5,329 miles (8,576 km)

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