Day 072 - Beaver Bay to Aurora - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

June 26, 2023

Day 072 - Beaver Bay to Aurora

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Today could be called "A Tale of Two Rides".  In 2020, Jeanna & I rode this exact segment, but going in the opposite direction.  

Here's Jeanna's entry for that day in 2020...

"It was a good long day.  Almost the entire route was through the Superior National Forest.  There were no towns and only one little store on the whole route.

We were blessed with a tailwind again today.  There was a gradual uphill grade for the first 40 miles and then a wonderful downhill the last 16."

My take on today is not as rosy! 

For beginners, "that wonderful downhill the last 16" was a beast of a climb today.

Then there's "blessed with a tailwind" that was a cursed headwind today.

Other than that, the rides were pretty similar :-). 

I have to give credit to Jeanna's performance as a SAG driver - she really helped me out today.  As she passed me at mile 13 of the 16-mile climb, I flagged her down and she gave me an ice-cold Diet Coke and a snack.  After looking at my condition, she said she would drive ahead 10 miles and then pull over and wait for me. She did exactly that, and again had a cold drink and snack waiting.  

She met me one more time at the top of the Skibo Overlook.  At this stop I beat her to the cooler and grabbed an ice-cold beer before she could object (because I don't want to be charged with a BUI, my personal rule is to only enjoy adult beverages post-ride, but hey, sometimes you have to bend the rules).  

Side note:  I was so intent on savoring my beer that I forgot to take any photos of the overlook.  However, you can see more than you'd ever want to by going to Day 57 - Hoyt Lakes, MN to Beaver Bay, MN.  The only difference is today it was very hazy from the smoke, so the photos from 2020 are way better than what I would have taken today even if I had remembered.

The flowers are in full bloom.
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A colorful mixture.
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Bill ShaneyfeltWhite as everyone knows are daisies.

Yellow are birdsfoot trefoil

Orange are orange hawkweed.
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11 months ago
The shoulders were lined with flowers the entire way today.
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My 2nd beaver lodge of the trip. I crossed both the East Branch Beaver River and West Branch Beaver River, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at seeing this.
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If you look closely, you'll see a White Admiral butterfly that was interested in Jeanna's foot.
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Rose SamsonThis is a friendly butterfly ! Lucky Jeanna.
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11 months ago
In 2020, there was a very short train in this photo.
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There were no concerns about traffic today.
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Less than a half mile from my destination, Rolf flagged me down to ask about my taillights (this is becoming a regular occurrence - I may seek a sponsorship from Cygolite!).
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Rolf SwansonIt was great to meet you as you passed through Aurora. As a fellow cyclist it is always fun to hear others stories of their adventures and I will continue to follow your blog. Yes, you need to get a promo code from Cygolite because you lit up the road with those lights. I've got a couple on order for my next cycle adventure.
Sunny days and following winds. Travel safe. - Rolf
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11 months ago
Keith A. SpanglerI just ordered two of those lights, thank you Kerry
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11 months ago
Rolf rode the GAP and C&O last year and got a T-Shirt to boot.
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Rolf SwansonI'm the guy with no butt. I'd like to say that I rode it off but I guess I just wasn't blessed with one. I need to pull my pants up more often!
Safe travels.
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11 months ago

Tomorrow is another longish day (65 miles) to Orr. 

Today's ride: 61 miles (98 km)
Total: 3,408 miles (5,485 km)

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