An apology to Indiana - Two Far 2018 - Trailing through the Rust Belt - CycleBlaze

An apology to Indiana

Yesterday I made some general observations about differences between Ohio and Indiana. Like many generalizations, they didn't hold up after further observations. I hope I didn't offend any Hoosiers. Today we passed through several attractive and prosperous Indiana towns.

These guys were making a new bike path.
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We hopped on to the new path to try it out. Thumbs up!
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We rode down a road with a rumble strip separating the shoulder from the traffic lane. What a difference from yesterday. This rumble strip was a couple of inches narrower, and started right under the white line instead of in the middle of the shoulder. These 2 minor but thoughtful changes made all the difference. This shoulder was safer for both bikes and cars. It was drizzling at the time, so we didn't grab a picture of the improved rumble strip design, but we did get shots of some cute animals we met along the road.

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The majority of our ride today was on very low traffic farm roads. We finished our ride on a nice bike trail around Noblesville and Westfield. Well done Indiana!

Empty roads.
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Hmm, I guess they do have silos in Indiana.
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A great way to end the ride.
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Anne Abbate
Matriarch says:
About silos: silos are for storing silage for animal feed. No animals, no silos. Grain is stored in low bins or taken directly to the elevators.
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6 years ago

Yesterday, the forecast for today made it seem almost certain that we would get soaked. As it turned out, the weather was delightful, with only a brief sprinkle after lunch. Note to self: worrying about possible rain is not a good use of mental energy.

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Rich McKayGlad to hear about the "smart" rumble strips. It's nice when someone thinks about all the road's users, and how a design can work for everyone.
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6 years ago