Getting ready for the Grand Return - Skipping About the Continent - CycleBlaze

October 27, 2022 to November 2, 2022

Getting ready for the Grand Return

Oct 27 - Return to Paris

Thankfully, my train trip back to Paris was without drama. I'd arranged an early breakfast at the hotel and was at the train station just past seven for the 7:36 departure. By now, I have the routines down pretty well for taking stairs up/down to the correct platform and getting everything, and me, on the train before it leaves the station. Getting off is a little more stressful, but as Paris was the terminus there was ample time for unloading the panniers and then going back for Vivien George. 

I arrived at Gare Austerlitz mid-afternoon and after weeks on low-traffic roads was at first a bit unsettled by the orchestrated chaos of cycling Paris city streets. But I was soon back in the groove and at my home away from home.

Ready and waiting at Gare Cahors
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Safely back from another outstanding adventure
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Oct 28-Nov 2, Paris

The past few days in Paris have been filled with rather mundane errands and packing - no cycling or strolls about the city. When I returned to Paris the WiFi out at my apartment was not working, and the usual  unplug/replug routine failed to fix the problem. I ventured over to the local Orange store, who suggested I call the tech service hot line. When I explained my French wasn't good enough for complex telephone conversations, they said to bring the modem by and they would run some diagnostics. I am happy to report that they gave me a new, and free, Livebox, and that I was able to get it properly re-connected – at least the WiFi works, not sure if I have all the TV jacks are in their right slots. My ability to navigate these tasks of everyday life suggest that I'm slowly acclimating to living in France.

The next task was returning the camera to Scott Anderson, who was missing his zoom while in a sea of flamingoes. We went back and forth on what might be the best delivery point – deciding that UPS would be reasonable for both sending and pick-up. However, there are no UPS stores per se here in France, only access points whose service can be highly variable. I headed to the best rated place on the left bank, only to find I needed to print out my own label. So it was off to a neighborhood print/copy center where I hit the jackpot – not only did they wrap and box the camera for shipping, they also told me that UPS was a bit unreliable and that La Poste was the best option.

After talking with Scott re change of plans, I raced to the nearby post office and was able to toss the package in the cart just as the carrier was leaving the post office – good timing as it turns out. With Tuesday being a holiday, it would not have arrived in Pézenas before the Andersons left town. And those of you who follow Scott and Rachael will know that the camera arrived safe and sound on Monday.

Package out for delivery, just in the nick of time
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Scott AndersonThank you again, Susan. I’m sorry it ended up being such an ordeal, but it’s great to have it back. I’ll be thinking of you with every flamingo I see.
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1 year ago

Not so successful was my search for a fancy dress for my niece’s evening wedding in Texas next month. It  might not surprise you that my closet is bereft of fancy dresses and heels. Thinking I would surely find something appropriate in Paris, I headed off to Galleries LaFayette - noted for its Art Nouveau steel and glass cupola, it is “one of the most popular, chic and distinguished shopping centers in Paris.”  I must say it was difficult to find something age-appropriate and under four figures. I don’t mind spending money on bikes, gear and touring, but dropping a thousand dollars for a dress I’ll wear once is beyond the pale. I heard that you can rent fancy clothes – something to look into when I’m back in North Carolina.

Galeries Lafayette
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Kathleen JonesI’m sure Dior has a nice line in Spandex.
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1 year ago
Keith AdamsTo Kathleen JonesNow THAT'S downright funny!
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1 year ago
The cupola ceiling at Galeries Lafayette
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Scott AndersonWorth going shopping for this shot.
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1 year ago

In addition to laundry, packing and shopping for gifts, I made the rounds to bid au revoir to friends and my regular neighborhood vendors. Christiane and Betty arrive tonight from Bologna, so we’ll get a chance to visit again before I leave on Saturday. 

I'll wrap this entry up with a little slice of Paris life. This morning I went to thank L'Hirondelle Vaugirard bike shop for all they did for me and Vivien George over this past year. Along the way, I noticed that it was street cleaning day in my neighborhood. Hydrants were open and large trucks were sending water down the street gutters. This turns out to also be prime bath time for pigeons. The gutter was lined with birds - dipping, wading, ruffling their feathers -all forms of washing up. And once clean, they moved into the street to dry off in the sunshine. 

You gotta love Paris! 

Lionel, a member of the super staff at L'Hirondelle Vaugirad bike shop
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Bath Day for the neighborhood pigeons
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And a little time in the sun for drying off in the crosswalk
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Today's ride: 5 miles (8 km)
Total: 3,527 miles (5,676 km)

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Lyle McLeodSusan, it’s been such a pleasure to follow along on your wonderful journey. Safe travels back home and we look forward to your next adventure.
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1 year ago
Rachael AndersonGreat post! I can’t believe you leave on Saturday. Enjoy your last 2 days.
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1 year ago
Susan CarpenterTo Lyle McLeodThanks Lyle for your nice comments and for following along
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1 year ago