Thwap, thwap, thwap, ouch, thwap - Across the US on Steel and Titanium - CycleBlaze

June 27, 2023

Thwap, thwap, thwap, ouch, thwap

I should just copy and paste yesterdays entry here,  as again Mother Nature tried to kill me.  But……

Me @ 0900 leaving Buffalo for Gillette: Man this is nice. This is how I planned it. Sunshine, chirping birds, 65 degrees, empty freeway with a wide shoulder and NO STEEP HILLS. FINALLY!!

30 miles later:  I don’t like the looks of those clouds. Hope they don’t dump on me.  If they do I’ll deal with it.  What’s a little rain. 

Mile 48:  Ok a drizzle.  I’ll put my rain coat on just in case.  None of the cars passing me are wet. I think this things gonna miss me and blow right over. 

Mile 50:  ok so it’s raining a bit. No big deal. I’m still warm. Only about 20 miles to go. I can do this.  BAMMMM. Man that lightning was close.  

Mile 51: Holy crap, where did this wind come from?    Whoa, that bridge guard rail is awfully low. I’ll go over if a gust hits me right. Hang on here comes another truck.  Better turn on the rear flashing light so cars can see me.   Hell they can’t even see each other.

Mile 54:  Is that sleet?  It is. Is that hail?  Hail yeah. That sh!t hurts. What’s the temp, my hands are cold?  41!!!???!!!!  Man that’s a drop. I’ll be good as long as I keep moving. Should I duck under that bridge?  No way. I’ll freeze to death. Keep pedaling.  This hail must have cracked some windshields. It certainly cracks my noggin.  And boy it hurts when it hits a thumb nail. What thumb?  They fell off two miles ago. 

Mile 56:  Damn. Even the traffic is stopping. But not for me. I’m sure no one will stop this time. Not on an Interstate. What’s that on my bar bag?  Oh crap, that’s ice!  

Mile 58:  Is that blue sky I see in the mirror?  Sun?  It is. Hurry up and get here, I can’t feel my fingers anymore.  

Mile 60:  That sun feels great!  Still alive. Almost there. Can’t wait for a hot shower!!!!

Mile 68:  Best Best Western I’ve ever stayed at!  Made it!  

I-90 test stop. Still good weather. Talked to several folks about my trip and theirs. Lots of old folks with campers.
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The supercell that tried to end it all.
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Supercell passed, sunshine and warmth. Temp back up to mid 60s.
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Today's ride: 68 miles (109 km)
Total: 1,239 miles (1,994 km)

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Colin StevensTim, I have been reading your entries with great interest. The landscapes and small towns in your photos are beautiful. I just can't believe how much awful weather you have had to deal with! The hail and lightning is insane!
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11 months ago
Timothy DaleTo Colin StevensThanks for following. Better weather now though storms still creep up in the afternoon. Looking forward to flatter terrain.
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10 months ago