Day 20...Casper Beach to Gualala Point Campground - Rick's Solo Canada to Mexico Adventure - CycleBlaze

October 9, 2018

Day 20...Casper Beach to Gualala Point Campground

Cody and Emily from Wisconsin
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Outside Mendecino
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A sunny morning then the fog rolled in off the ocean.
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Just a few miles up the road is the cute little town of Mendecino. Today's ride was very challenging with continual climbing but magnific1ent ocean views at the top. After getting to the top after a particularly vicious series of switchback there at the top having lunch at the side of the road was Cody and Emily, a really nice young couple from Milwaukee.  The stopping point tonight was Gualala Point Campground. Along with Cody and Emily, the kids from the Netherlands were also there, Freek (pronounced Frake as in rake) and Rubin. Most of these campgrounds have a separate area called hiker/biker sites so we all end up camping together. Tonight the 5 of us did battle with 4 brazen raccoons who were intent on getting some of our food.

Once we ate and put our remaining food in the bear box they moved on looking for other victims.

Today's ride: 55 miles (89 km)
Total: 998 miles (1,606 km)

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