Day 6: Muldenstein to Ronney - Grampies Search for the Meaning of Life Spring 2022 - CycleBlaze

April 18, 2022

Day 6: Muldenstein to Ronney

No Bridge, Too Far

The Pension Am Steinberg in Muldenstein was really good - meticulously clean, large room, ground floor, secure bike storage. But no food. In the evening we were still feeling stuffed from three days in Markranstadt, so no supper was a welcome break. For the morning we had a plan. Dodie had discovered the POI feature of Osmand+, and it was showing her all the food places  coming up on the route. 4 km and we would be stuffing our faces with sandwiches in the next town, it said.

So we set out confidently, having reserved a spot near Walternienburg, about 70 km off, and clearly an easy shot. Our confidence took a hit, evaporated actually, when 3 km along we came to a bridge over the Mulde. "Brucke Gesperrt" announced a sign. But this was smack on the famous Mulde Radweg, gesperrt was not an option. This was clearly Dodie's thinking as she asked me to go check out the true bridge condition. We are used to going through road closures, after all.

"Lebensgefahr!" said the next sign, and they were not kidding, this bridge was kaput! 

Sure, tell me about it.
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Oh, oh, this thing is toast!
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A quick scan of the map showed we would have to back up 20 km for a chance to get back on track. There was really nothing for it, and that's what we did. 

Oh, what about that breakfast in 4 km? Ha Ha. Maybe back in Bitterfeld, which we had come through yesterday, because that town ahead was no longer in our future. In fact we did run into lots of the small groceries on our retreat: LIDL, Netto, Penny, Edeka, and most with back stube (bakery department). But guess what - Easter Monday! Every single one was closed!  We plodded on.

See this ten times over and you begin to get a bit hungry.
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See the giant circle ride right off the start? And if you zoom in you will see lots of miscues too.
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Our day then broke down into two basic things. One was the cycling in a very pleasant mixture of small villages and on good cycle paths through farm fields and woodlots. The other was the compounding of our distance covered by taking a series of wrong turns. Wrong turns came about  by following reasonable looking cycle track signs, only to later check the GPS and see that we had been led somehow astray by the signs. Or similarly, we would follow the road and later see that there had been a hidden or tricky turn.  You might think that this could be avoided by keeping the GPS app running and consulting the screen frequently. But that costs battery and also absorbs a lot of attention. After a time we decided to allow the phone to speak, even though the guidance voice is a really irritating AI. Osmand can be set to follow and speak a given existing track, and I think we will be trying that more.

Lunch suffered the same fate as breakfast, that is, everywhere closed and and in fact almost no businesses of any kind in the little towns we were passing. By the time we finally did run into a place serving food, we were too late in the day to use up time eating! Talk about running on empty.

We had chosen to follow the Mulde because it is a tributary of the Elbe, and the Elbe is what we plan to follow to the North Sea, on the Elbe Radweg. The Mulde meets the Elbe near Dessau, so that is where we finally did reach the Elbe. In fact we found ourselves right in the middle of it, with  ferry crossing near Aken.

Grampies have reached the Elbe
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This ferry crossing was special not only for introducing us to what will be the big river, but in waiting for the ferry we answered our first set of fairly complete UQs (usual questions). Where are we from, where are we going, how far do we go in a day, how far did we go today, how big is that battery, where did you get the neat helmet brims (the DaBrims) and could DaBrim be a German word? All this was handled in baby level German! We must have done ok, because the couple doing the asking  then paid our ferry passage!

After UQs, these nice people paid our ferry fare.
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After 91 km, we reached our previously chosen Pension. It turned out to be Bett und Bike certified, which in this case meant secure bike storage, which we like a lot. However the room is up a steep set of stairs. Dodie avoided those  as much as possible. 

Looking over the day for  Meaning for Living, it would have been nice to have found something like a "sandwich".  But as it is, we'll have to settle for the bike paths in the pleasant forests:

Making our day
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Supplementary Quiz

1. Are these Rapeseed, or some form of brassica?

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Scott AndersonThe answer to your supplemental quiz: Yes (a trick question, right?).
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesAh yes, rape is a form of brassica - making up the trick question.
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2 years ago

2. Little white flowers adorned the forest floor:

The forest floor
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What are the little white flowers?

Mystery flowers
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Andrea BrownThey are a type of anemone, possibly Anemone numerosa.
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2 years ago
Andrea BrownTo Andrea BrownOops, typo! Anemone nemerosa.
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Andrea BrownWow impressive. Advances my ID of "little white flower".
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2 years ago
Keith AdamsTo Steve Miller/GrampiesI was really hoping for "edelweiss", to mesh with and continue the Julie Andrews theme. Sigh. Ah well, they're pretty enough as it is.
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Keith AdamsOh golly, you have to go to about 10,000 feet for edelweiss! Also according to wiki: It is a scarce, short-lived flower found in remote mountain areas and has been used as a symbol for alpinism, for rugged beauty and purity associated with the Alps and Carpathians, and as a national symbol, especially of Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Italy. According to folk tradition, giving this flower to a loved one is a promise of dedication.
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2 years ago

Today's ride: 91 km (57 miles)
Total: 164 km (102 miles)

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Jacquie GaudetI hope you found a good dinner! Finding no food is such a drag, especially when you haven’t yet had the opportunity or inclination to stock up with anti-bonk supplies.
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2 years ago
Keith ClassenI am impressed… pretty long days on the start of your tour and no fuel today. Super Grampies!
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2 years ago
Tricia GrahamYou are sure testing yourselves and certainly coming up trumps. After Easter in Leipzig perhaps the lack of food is a good thing
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Tricia GrahamActually the Pension last night had a restaurant and produced giant schnitzel plates, so now we feel stuffed again! I had a restless night from overexertion, and voted for a short day today. My vote only counts for .99 of Dodie's, though, so apparently we are going long again!
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonSo sorry about the food situation and detours. You are both really tough! We’ve had issues with finding food several times so I always have a stash!! Easter Monday is a pain.
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2 years ago