…and why Japan? - Six wheels through Japan - CycleBlaze

…and why Japan?

Why Japan?
 Japan has been on our bucket list since we toured here 37 years ago. At that time we had a train pass which gave us the opportunity to see enough of Japan to make us yearn for more. We have loved touring in Europe every year with our recumbent tandem….and we will continue to do so.  But this years belongs to Japan. Our  personal trainer, Leslie, taught  (and cycled) in Japan for 10 years. Her memories and stories have whet our appetite to explore Japan in more detail. 

The list of what we love about Japan is extensive, but here are a few.

The food, diverse beautiful scenery, hospitable gracious people, rich history, onsens, accommodation ranging from free camping to the traditional (Ryokans and  Minshukus), to capsule rooms and Love Hotels, not to mention Cat Island and Cat Cafes.

There are actually eleven cat islands in Japan.
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, who knew?!
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11 months ago

It also helps that our Canadian dollar has good value against the Yen.

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Jean-Marc StrydomWith regards to what there is to love about Japan, don't forget the onsens - the best way to end a long day in the saddle.
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1 year ago