Day 37 - In San Sebastian - Gorging in France ...Then Basquing in the Pyrenees - 2023 - CycleBlaze

May 24, 2023

Day 37 - In San Sebastian

Domestic Duties

Today was an off-day for the bikes, but that doesn’t mean there was no work to be done.

First up was working out our transport to Bilbao. We’re heading there tomorrow for two days, without our bikes, and our original thought was that we would just catch a train whenever the mood struck us. Turns out that you can take a train from San Sebastián to Bilbao, a linear distance of about 80 km’s, but it takes over 5 hours and no one does this. Busses are the way to get to Bilbao, and there are lots of them but they fill up quickly.  We got a booking for early tomorrow morning (Thursday) with a return to San Sebastián on Saturday evening. 

We are leaving San Sebastián on Sunday for Pamplona, back on the bikes, and as we were riding into San Sebastián, we thought it would be good to take a train out of the main city to avoid a few hours of urban riding. That should be easy to do.

It turns out that it isn’t so easy. The regional trains here do take bikes, but it appears that only three bikes per train are allowed, and on a Sunday, all of these were already booked up. So biking out of San Sebastián it will be!

Next up was a full load of laundry in a real washing machine. This turned out to be extremely easy and convenient as we found a laundromat about 1 km away and we were the only people there. I needed to update this journal and sitting in a laundromat for an hour was as good a place as any to do it .

With that all done, it was time for a wander around the old town, grab some lunch (pintxos (Tapas/snacks) and a beer) and take in a few sights.

This left us just enough time for a siesta before our next meal. We had a booking at another Bibendum lip smacking restaurant, Narru. We couldn’t get a table in the main restaurant but we did get one in the bar, Turns out they have the same kitchen and menu, but in the bar you can order half-rations of everything allowing a greater selection of dishes to try, and it was a very relaxed atmosphere. We focused on seafood for this dinner … for obvious reasons, and it was another tour de force. 

The gorging continues!

SOTD - It’s only Love, Tina Turner and Bryan Adams

Another one in memory of a legend.

Priceless. The bike parking outside a kindergarten near our hotel.
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Getting the necessary domestic duties done.
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Beautiful residential buildings. Much different decorative detail here as compared to France which is just a few km’s away.
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Nice inlaid tile work on this building
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Interesting ‘guardians’ on the María Cristina bridge. Horse head and fore-body with a sea serpent tail
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Full view of the María Cristina bridge.
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More ‘street shots’ in San Sebastian
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Putting in the lunch order …. It looks like we are the only people in Casa. Vergara, a bar in the old town, but the place was packed. Timing is everything … for placing your order and taking a picture
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Skewers of cod and gambas and mushrooms and gambas
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One of the regulars. This place is right beside the Basilica Santa Maria del Coro, one of the most visited places in San Sebastián, so it has a pretty heavy influx of tourists - including us. He was oblivious to all of that just has his pintxos and glass of wine and was gone.
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the ornate facade of Basilica Santa Maria del Coro. It’s also a museum and it costs 3 euro to enter. We passed … philistines!
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The Cathedral del Buen Pastor. We took a quick spin through here this morning when we were getting our transport sorted out. Very impressive interior and I wanted to come back with my camera … which is right now….. and it’s locked up tight for the rest of the day!
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The main event, another dinner at one of San Sebastians highly rated restaurants. We’re in the more casual bar at Narru and focused on small plates of seafood tonight. This is the remnants of our amuse (tuna ceviche) and a dish of tuna, anchovy, picked peppers and green onions
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Followed by perfectly executed fried calamari
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And then grilled octopus with paprika purée and potatoes with a simple but incredibly fresh green salad.
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Hake with cauliflower cream and kale
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And a great fruity white, Godello grape, from Galicia.
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The deserts were a real highlight … ‘apple pie with milk ice cream’ directly off the menu
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… and ‘Lemon, yoghurt and corn’ …. Again, directly off the menu. Very understated description of a very classy and tasty dish
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Karin KaarsooI like this one!
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1 year ago
Kirsten KaarsooTo Karin KaarsooIt was so pretty and tasty. The top of each lemon’drop’ was a single thyme leaf. It was very pretty and extremely tasty.
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1 year ago
That’s it for day 1 of the mid term break. Tomorrow we’re off to Bilbao.
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