In transit: from home to Arles - The Grand Tour - 2023 - CycleBlaze

April 29, 2023 to April 30, 2023

In transit: from home to Arles

The car trip

Finally time to get in the car and go. We're not sad to say goodbye to the cold weather we have been having. The day is overcast which is fine when you are in a car. 

All set
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, that's quite the hazard sign on the back of the bikes! Good idea -- I doubt anyone could miss that!!
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1 year ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Charmaine RuppoltRequired in Italy! Thanks for the many kind comments, Charmaine.
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1 year ago

The first day takes us to a village in Switzerland, Siviriez, where we spend the night. A pleasant surprise when we get there is that we can park directly in front of our room, no stairs, just walk right in. 

A short walk up the hill and we find the only restaurant within walking distance and we look forward to relaxing and a good meal. We enjoy a good local white wine with our meal which isn't so good. I was expecting quality in Switzerland. The prices when eating out are almost twice as much as what we would pay at home. 

The second day dawns grey and misty but we are in a lovely countryside and again this day goes smoothly. The highways aren't too crowded, the 500 km are easy. Which doesn't mean that we aren't dead tired by the time we reach Arles. Again a pleasant surprise is that our room at Hotel Rodin is on the ground floor and we can park more or less outside our door. No hassle unloading the bikes and carrying our bags into our room. It'speaceful here, just what we need to rest up from the long drive. Although it went much better than I could have expected - I think I have mentioned that I usually find long car trips pure stress - we are tired. Time to get on our bikes! 

The Thinker and our bikes at Hotel Rodin
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While we are already enjoying sunny Provence, Susan is still in the train on her way from Paris. This is a long weekend with Monday being May Day and Susan texts me that the train is packed with bikes. But she will tell her story in due time.

We have a quick look in Arles, we've been here several times before, take a few photos and get a bite to eat, we're famished. Meals aren't served until 7:00 and we want to be at the train station at 8:00 when Susan's train gets in.  That's cutting it close but we make it. 

St. Trophime, Place de la République, Arles
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St. Trophime, Place de la République, Arles
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Busker at St. Trophime, Place de la République, Arles
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Scott AndersonHe sure has the look, doesn’t he?
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1 year ago
A quick meal chez Cuit Cuit
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Place St. Roch
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Waiting for Susan
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Hurrah, Susan made it after 12 hours in transit! We make our way back to the hotel and after a brief chat, we all fall into bed. It's been a big and successful day.

Fantastic to get together again! No group picture yet, all too tired.
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Scott AndersonHurrah is right! Great to see you all made it there safely.
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1 year ago
Rachael AndersonI’m glad you made it and I really enjoyed our chat this morning. I definitely understand when you talk about how exhausting it is to drive. I feel the same!
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1 year ago
Kirsten KaarsooGlad you all made it. I hope the winds yesterday were not too disheartening. We were fighting them also for us it was the gusts that were the most challenging. Fingers crossed we cross paths in Sault.
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1 year ago
Suzanne GibsonWe were fighting the wind, too! Crossing the bridge over the Durance, we had to get off and push. I hope we meet in Sault.
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1 year ago

Today's ride: 3 km (2 miles)
Total: 3 km (2 miles)

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Kathleen JonesYay!

Did one or both of you get new bikes? They’re very handsome.
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1 year ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Kathleen JonesYes, Janos's bike is new. Isn't it beautiful! I've had mine for about 2 years.
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1 year ago