August 27, 2023: Espinho to Ovar - Portus Cale's Atlantic Coast (Tour 24) - 2023 🇵🇹 - CycleBlaze

August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023: Espinho to Ovar

Riding through forests of pine and eucalyptus

Accommodations: Vintage Balcony Guesthouse (9+)

Sometimes I'm awake before the alarm sounds and sometimes I am shaken to my core unti I pinpoint the source of the cacophany. Today was one of those cacophany mornings, though once I was awake I was ready to go.

After packing a few things away we went for what we thought was going to be a tasty breakfast to find orange juice and day old buns. Huge disappointment for what has been a really nice place to stay. We both knew we'd have to remedy the situation somewhere on the road. No words were needed - we both exuded that thought.

After that unglorious breakfast we got our stuff together and loaded up the bikes with the establishment owner as well as the other guests kindly seeing us off on the next day of our adventure. 

Alex 'Green Thumb" Irvine was thrilled to see a rosemary tree. He was even allowed to pick some to enjoy with his orange. -- Espinho, Portugal
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As our host Diogo Ribeiro guided us out to wish us well on our way he snapped a photo to add to his numerous collages on the many guests he has hosted. -- Espinho, Portugal
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Our route took us back to the walk and cycle paths along the seaside. There were many cyclists, walkers and joggers at points, but the views were awe-inspiring. Again, blue ocean, white crashing waves onto the vast sandy beaches, adn the sounds and smells of the sea. Heavenly? Or sea-ly?

Still in town, I had to stop already to catch the beauty of the area. -- Espinho, Portugal
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A good portion of today's ride was accompanied by the sound of the waves. -- Espinho, Portugal
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More ocean beauty. How much do I love the sea? Count the number of photos I have taken of it. -- Espinho, Portugal
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On the left is the cycle route and on the right is for pedestrians, though further along we shared the same walkway. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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Once out of town the path was a raised wooden plank path to keep people from damaging the dunes. The bikes rattled along on the boards and at times we stopped for slowly roll over missing planks as our small diameter wheels would likely have come to a complete stop.

The same as the previous photo but with the bike to give an idea of the width of the path. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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And then again with Alexio. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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We crossed a bridge that looked like it might have a troll hidden underneath. It was too beautiful here not to take a few photos. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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We crossed a bridge that looked like it might have a troll hidden underneath. It was too beautiful here not to take a few photos. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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We crossed a bridge that looked like it might have a troll hidden underneath. It was too beautiful here not to take a few photos. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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Mike AylingYou are travelling light, just one set of panniers between you!
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9 months ago
Brent IrvineYes, I really worked our gear down to do this. So far, so good.
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9 months ago
We crossed a bridge that looked like it might have a troll hidden underneath. It was too beautiful here not to take a few photos. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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There was a junction in the trail here and a little bench to take a rest and enjoy the views. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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In one seaside town which was plagued with endless summer beach condos, there was also a number of food stalls where we found huge baskets of peaches and piles of grape bunches. We picked up 500 g of blue grapes and two hugs peaches and continued on the route until we were out of town and found a bench alongside the cycle trail.

Here we stopped and enjoyed the fruits of our labour until there was nothing left but two peach pits and a pile of discarded grape seeds - Alex thinks we should return one day to see the grapevines that end up growing at that spot.

Breakfast was pretty limited this morning, so when we happened upong a Sunday morning market we picked up 500 g of blue grapes and a couple of huge peaches. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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Steve Miller/GrampiesAh, gotta love those outdoor markets.
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9 months ago
Breakfast was pretty limited this morning, so when we happened upong a Sunday morning market we picked up 500 g of blue grapes and a couple of huge peaches. Then we cycled out of town until we found a bench alongside the trail and enjoyed our purchase. -- Between Espinho and Ovar, Portugal
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After our proper breakfast we continued along the route which was through a protected sand dune forest - with groves of huge pines and aromatic eucalyptus.

This park area has a variety of tree species, and here was a pine-smelling pine forest, not unlike sandy parts of northeastern Ontario (my home area). -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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Also very numerous were the groves of eucalyptus with their medicinal-smelling aromas which I love. -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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I have seen this winding path in a few Youtube videos and really like how the cycle path winds through the forest. -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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We paused right beside a huge military base and its runway to let many of the joggers and cyclists past. This trail is used a LOT. -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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Steve Miller/GrampiesSmells like riding through a cough drop.
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9 months ago
Brent IrvineI love the aroma
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9 months ago
We paused right beside a huge military base and its runway to let many of the joggers and cyclists past. This trail is used a LOT. -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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We paused right beside a huge military base and its runway to let many of the joggers and cyclists past. This trail is used a LOT. -- Near Ovar, Portugal
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Jon AylingTwo mirrors - nice! Never occurred to me to try both sides.
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9 months ago
Brent IrvineI saw someone mention this years ago and I thought it a great idea so have used two of them for 10+ years. With a twitch of my head I see everything behind me.
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9 months ago
I was enjoying the oceanside route then headed straight inland toward our accommodations along some pretty busy roads. Luckily there was a designated cycle path along the busy sections. -- Ovar, Portugal
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After arriving, Bruno, one of the owners, opened up to let us bring our bikes in and showed us up to our room and to the balcony where we ate our lunch. -- Ovar, Portugal
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Steve Miller/GrampiesSuch a great place to spend a night. Did Alex get to pick an orange from the tree?
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9 months ago
Brent IrvineTo Steve Miller/GrampiesSadly, no. They're too green.
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9 months ago
I didn't ask her name, so I am going to assume this is Peppa the Pig. She followed us around on the patio and loved scritches and would roll onto her side and wag her tail. -- Ovar, Portugal
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When we started to research restaurants for dinner we found an interesting Sunday phenomena - closed restaurants all over the place. At least with online searching and Google maps I was able to find a place about 1.8 km away. I set the addres into the GPS and away we went. Interestingly, when we got to the supposed location, there was only an industrial space beside a factory. Google had failed us. Fortunately, I had saved a screenshot of the location, furthermore along came a young student who we asked and she pointed around the corner to where we were looking. Sure enough, there it was.

When we got in the lights were off with only the owners sitting in the eating area watching TV. When I asked if they were open for dinner, they said yes, so we ordered hake fillets with potatoes. As we sat and waited, we looked around and things looked very local an authentic, and when dinner came quite a while later (we were in no rush) it was amazing. They had had to boil the potatoes, make the fish batter and prepare the meal - all was absolutely amazing and for me, it was the best meal to date on this trip.

It went from almost dark to night as we walked back so it was a bit cool out but the walk was very pleasant after quite a big meal. I collected our laundry as Peppa came out to snort and follow me around and was happy when I gave her a final evening scritch on the tolp of her head. I see how a little pig could be a fine little pet.

When I got back, and a bit earlier on, a Portuguese acquaintance, Roberto, had been messaging back and forth with me about tomorrow's bike ride to Aveiro. He has assured me that it is very nice and runs along packed dirt paths that will be fine for our small wheels. We are both looking forward to meeting him.

Today's ride: 28 km (17 miles)
Total: 96 km (60 miles)

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