Bourg-saint-Andéol - We're going on an adventure... - CycleBlaze

June 30, 2023


For the first time since we left Italy we woke to rain. The weather has been so hot and sunny I haven't even been checking the weather forecast so its good luck that its the day we chose to be off the bike. Less lucky is that all our washing was outside on the balcony in the rain 'drying'. Rescued and re-spun we had a slow morning talking to family then we donned our rain gear to head to a big supermarket for an indoor adventure (and groceries). The huge supermarkets are good for a rest day when you need to pick up a few extra things like notebooks and sunscreen, less so when you are trying to pick up a few things for lunch en route. 

While Tobias napped we sorted out our route to the alps. We opted out of too much climbing before we reach Annecy, though we have a fair few hills. After Annecy we have a couple of bigger climbs, especially to reach our accommodation at about 900m elevation. James poured over the tour (the big one, not ours) to try and work out where we can watch it from.

It stopped raining in the afternoon so we took Tobias and his bike for a walk into town. The waterfront area was particularly pretty and had some nice looking hotels. Tobias spent about 20 minutes watching the kids at the school through the gate and then much longer playing at the playground. Our friendly bar tender from yesterday recognized us when we walked past. All in all Bourg-saint-Andéol was a good place for a rest day - big enough to have the things we need, but not so big that its a chore to get to them. Tomorrow we will head back to the hills.

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When the going gets too tough Tobias likes to push his own bike and refuses any help. Here he was saying "allez allez Tobias" to cheer himself on.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesYour kid is so terrific. I love the things he says, and also love that you record them in this blog. Dodie
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