To Carennac - Clermont-Ferrand to Biarritz 2000 - CycleBlaze

September 14, 2000

To Carennac

We loitered a bit after breakfast while I read the international English paper, easing temporarily my withdrawal pangs from political news.  The Gore-Bush campaign is in full swing and its driving me nuts to not know the latest developments.

The first third of the ride to Carennac was quite challenging over one long stretch, with the road surface covered by loose gravel and slowing us down considerably.  Later, we briefly dropped down to the Dordogne before climbing away again up a seven km 1,000’ rise.  By about noon we had only covered 30 km; but shortly after we returned to the river for good and made much better time on the flat roads that closely hugged its shore.  Shortly before 2 we reached Argentat - a lovely riverside town - and ate a late snack lunch (4 pastries plus drinks) as we sat on the quay overlooking the Dordogne.

The remaining 40 km to Carennac for the most part were very easy riding on quiet, flat riverside roads.  We arrived in Carennac about 5 and checked in to our hotel (Hostellerie Fenelon) for a two night stay.  The hotel backs onto the river, and we have a lovely riverside room.  After crashing for about an hour we strolled through the village - one of the prettiest I think I’ve ever stayed in - and then returned to our hotel for a wonderful gourmet meal on their patio under a cloudless sky.  I had a salad quercynoise (a walnut salad with an unidentified but tasty meat garnish), and confit de canard; and Rachael had a fine potagr and salmon.   Afterwards we strolled through the quiet town once more, stopping to enjoy the ascent of a perfectly full moon over the Dordogne.

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Entering Carennac.
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A dovecot, I think from Carennac.
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Today's ride: 96 km (60 miles)
Total: 246 km (153 miles)

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ann and steve maher-wearyHello Scott and Rachael,
We are so enjoying the vicarious experience of following your earlier rides in Europe. Thanks for posting these and for giving us more ideas of where to go once we can travel again. Ann and Steve
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo ann and steve maher-wearyHey, thanks for reading along! I wish a better record of this journey remained, but it could be worse. Details and images I haven’t thought of for years keep trickling in as I transcribed this.

Things are really changing fast now. It really feels like by late summer Europe will be mostly opened up to the vaccinated. Any plans?
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3 years ago
ann and steve maher-wearyHi again,
Well we have a trip we would love to do this fall, mostly Italy and Croatia ending up in Rome in early November. Ya never know, ''all roads lead to Rome'' we may see you there! We have not bought our plane tickets just yet for an end of Aug departure. We continue to watch how European countries welcome tourists, we are waiting for our second vaccine shots and there are family concerns that might keep us home this fall as well. Fingers crossed that our trip is on but it is still a wait for the moment. We will be following you along for sure as you land in Amsterdam and head on your way.
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3 years ago