Munich - Montbard: We're on our way - France Again - Cycling in Burgundy - CycleBlaze

July 30, 2008

Munich - Montbard: We're on our way

We took one and a half days for the car trip to Montbard. The first day was mainly on the German Autobahn, the second was more pleasant on French country roads. We arrived in Montbard in the early afternoon of the second day and I was relieved to have the car part of the trip over.

Our camping was very pleasant, dense green hedges surrounded the campsites and big trees provided lots of shade, much needed today. It was incredibly hot and humid. We were both tired from the drive and Janos lay down and slept and slept, for me it was even too hot to lie down.

In spite of my great aversion to car trips, when we arrived, set up our tent and got out the chairs and table, I had to admit to the advantages of this mode of travel. To start with, we didn't have to sit on the ground. We didn't bring a lot of camping gear with us, but certainly more than we would have if we were without the car. In addition to the table and chairs, we had plates and cups, some little plastic bowls, salt, sugar and such, little things that go a long way in making a non-cooked meal.

In the evening we cycled to the nearest market for some supplies for supper. I had forgotten how much fun it is to shop in a French supermarket. We got a nice piece of cheese, some bread and a can of tuna to compliment the left over vegetables that we had brought from home. A bottle of wine rounded off our shopping basket and we had a nice meal at our little table next to our tent. Camping contentment. It's interesting that "playing house" with a minimum of gear and all the inconveniences can be so satisfying.

Camping in Montbard: What a difference a table and two chairs can make
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Charmaine RuppoltGood idea to bring a little table! A lot of campgrounds don't have a table.
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