Journal Comments - I Am the Weakest Link - CycleBlaze

Journal Comments

From I Am the Weakest Link by Jeff Lee

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Jeff Lee replied to a comment by Mark Bingham on a photo in Brief visit to a truly deplorable outhouse

Oh - and I eventually wrassled the map into submission.

2 years ago
Jeff Lee replied to a comment by Mark Bingham on a photo in Brief visit to a truly deplorable outhouse

Certainly not "The General", since I detest Robert E. Lee and the evil "lost cause" he defended.

Maybe "Gravel Cruncher", since once upon a time I managed a mobile home dealership, and sometimes in that world you refer to walking onto the (usually unpaved) dealership lot, stalking would-be customers, as "crunching gravel."

2 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on a photo in Brief visit to a truly deplorable outhouse

1. You can't be a REAL wrassler unless you have a cool name... you can only be a wrestler. I won't copyright any of these if you want to try them on, but if you decide to use on the I get to be your manager: "Jeff 'Bikerman' Lee" or "Gravel-Crushing Jeff Lee" or Jeff "The General" Lee.
2. Who won the wrasslin' match?

2 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on a photo in I will never again disregard my wife’s advice regarding the handling of porcupine quills.

OR, it's actually a wolf in disguise:

"The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

2 years ago
Mark Bingham commented on a photo in “The desert is full of pointy things!”

Just in case you haven't gotten around to reading about this interesting creature, it can squirt blood from its eyes! It sounds like perfect material for a fantastic (ally terrible) sci-fi movie which involves lizards and mutations! From Bill's link:

The Texas horned lizard, along with at least three other species of the genus Phrynosoma, also has the ability to squirt an aimed stream of blood from the corners of the eyes and sometimes from its mouth at a distance up to 5 ft (1.5 m).

2 years ago
Keith Adams commented on a photo in Butts of iron

I noticed in several of the New Mexico photos as well: that sky is the most incredible blue I've ever seen. Having never lived west of Kansas City KS, and having lived the last 35 years in the suburbs of Washington DC, I'm accustomed to skies that are milky-white with summer haze.

2 years ago
Keith Adams commented on a photo in I will never again disregard my wife’s advice regarding the handling of porcupine quills.

If so many things in the desert are pointy, is this ranch perhaps the source?

2 years ago
Jeff Lee replied to a comment by Steve Miller/Grampies on Man Flu

Sorry about that! I finally got around to uploading all the photos to this five-year-old journal yesterday, which is why it was showing up on the front page of CycleBlaze.


2 years ago
Steve Miller/Grampies commented on Man Flu

I just randomly popped on to this page, and was reading about your "flu" with growing Covid alarm. Then it dawned on me to check the date. Phew!

2 years ago
Jeff Lee commented on a photo in “Some MAN pounded his tent stakes into the ground so hard he couldn’t get them out!”

Haha. I don't remember, but I doubt it. We were already carrying more tools on this trip than I ever would carry on a solo bike tour. Joy is much more concerned about being able to handle unlikely mechanical problems than I am.

2 years ago
Mike Ayling commented on a photo in “Some MAN pounded his tent stakes into the ground so hard he couldn’t get them out!”

Did you pick it up?

2 years ago
Bill Shaneyfelt commented on a photo in “Some MAN pounded his tent stakes into the ground so hard he couldn’t get them out!”

Twice as many sizes as the Crescent wrench!

3 years ago
Jeff Lee replied to a comment by Bill Shaneyfelt on a photo in I will never again disregard my wife’s advice regarding the handling of porcupine quills.

Thanks, Bill. I always enjoy your comments on the flora and the fauna :)

3 years ago
Kelly Iniguez commented on a photo in "Oh! So you were a little bit creepy, eh?"

I was told by a Santa Fe native that this restaurant has the best Mexican food in the state. It was closed when I bicycled past also.

3 years ago
Jeff Lee commented on a photo in Map Wrassler

My pie baking skills are almost non existent, haha. Joy could totally do it... I'll pass along your suggestion to her. BUT: I don't think she would agree to move to New Mexico, after our strenuous trip there :)

I have all the narrative (text) for that journal loaded, but I only have the first 21 days of photos uploaded. I'm slowly but surely adding them.

Unfortunately I created the journal during that tour using the Medium blogging website, and it's not easy to extract the photos from it.


3 years ago